my cds
i saw anchorman today. funniest movie ever. i also saw fahrenheit 9/11. interesting, really. michael moore has guts, that's all i gotta say. when he tried to get the congressmen to recruit their own children to the army? one of the guys actually said, "well, he's got two kids." nah duh, shirlock. how many men have we seen who have families? how many of them have marched off. like he said, lower class people who have little power in america are the first to fight for the government that screws them over. i loved it when condaleeza rice was trying to get past the senator's questions. she just kept trying to weasel out of yes or no questions. how much more stupid could you get? you dont screw with the government. they've got connections...
i need to learn spanish...
ahh, well, christmas was fun.i dont think anybody really liked my gifts, which i expected, since i had no clue what to shop for for them. but i got 6 mini candles that i can put in my pocket and sniff whenever i want....ah, bliss. if i had a locker organizer thingy i could put the candles in there, but i dont, so i cant...
we had tons and tons of sweets this weekend. and we ate peas and cornbread and turkey and it was good.
and on friday night, i finally talked to kelsie, and we came up with the best idea for media festival. a kind of behind the music thing for our first project, blob o'clay. we will have a melon in a wig with lipstick on it to be blob's "girlfriend". you have no clue what i am talking about, but this is fine. just know, it will be awesome.
friday i also saw a squirrel with a cigarrette in its mouth. it was funny. i also saw a cat who kept staring at me. i stared right back at it because i have a thing about losing staring contests. if it's a "hey, the friends are playing and it'll be fun" kind of contest, then i'm cool with losing. but if someone catches my eye, i try not to look away. its fun to see them look away first, and then look back to see if you're still looking. i chuckle everytime. i did that with david once. kept staring at him, and he kept looking back. he gets this weird little blush thing going on. its funny.
booga booga
"when i say razzle dazzle, you razzle dazzle. when i say jump,you jump. when i say booga booga, you booga booga." errant girl: "what does booga booga mean?" grandmother: "i don't know, but if i say it, you better figure it out fast."
i thought it was funny. anyway, i hope everybody has happy holidays and whatnot. especially my friends, especially kelsie. kelsie, i miss you.. i miss you too chynna.
see, this is why i hated dutchtown. my family doesn't seem to understand this. nobody seems to know how miserable i was over there. i felt like i was just stuck. sometimes i'd come home and cry, other times i'd come home and talk constantly so i couldn't think about it. one day i just came home and say in front of the tv, not eating, barely blinking, just sitting there. i didnt go upstairs until it was 10:00, and i took a 10 minute shower, just thinking about it. i hated it. i get so sad just thinking about it.
but that's a different thing entirely. i was trying to be funny. guess i couldn't. im gonna say goodbye and hope that kelsie finally calls and tells me she can spend the night, because not only do i miss her, but i am worried about her. AND THE CHICKEN BONE STUCK IN HER NOSE...
oh, i almost forgot. i ordered 2 books off of amazon.com. for under $10! i thought it was a miracle. kelsie kelsie kelsie, i got another meg cabot book, the one i was looking for. she went all the way. i can't wait to get it and read it!!!!!!!!
im a bit saddened, so i'll make lists again
smoke (my lungs would collapse)
drink (my mom turned me off to that)
hate (i don't have enough energy)
do drugs (again, my lungs would collapse or i'm afraid my head would explode)
i want to:
get a job
love my family
do something i really want to do
i never want to:
kill someone
be obsessed with my weight
for the past couple of days, my breath has been coming up short, especially at night. no matter what i do, my breath still comes the same. i concentrate on it so much, i think my brain will bust open, finally giving me a better passageway to breathe. and my mom's mad at me for something that i'm in the right about. it makes me want to cry how much she doesn't get that i hate her drinking and smoking and everything else she does. sometimes i feel like i hate her. especially when she tries to hide when she's drinking. i imagine myself finding the bottle and breaking it. just slamming it on the floor. i almost did it once, but then i thought about who would have to clean it up, and it would have been me. but then i picute myself cleaning up the bottle and cutting my hand and bleeding to death, and showing her so she'll know its her fault. she still probably wouldn't stop. she'd probably light a cigarette in my face.
but i'm getting away from the topic. i just want you all to remember to breathe in and breathe out, over and over again.
so, i tried to dye my hair. yeah, guess how that worked? well, i cant say it worked too horribly, since i picked out the exact same shade as my hair. i thought, hmm, well, i guess i'll just go lighter, but no, it was the same shade. kirstie dyed her hair red, but that's beside the point. stupid kirstie...
oh yes, kirstie spent the night saturday and last night.. very very fun. we kept playing dance dance revolution (joey's game) and losing at it. but joey was a freaking monkey on that thing. i swear, you should see him go. that white boy can dance, unlike his white sister and her friend...
kelsie seems to think that her christmas will suck. but it will not. her only pro for the season is that they are all healthy. HELLO?!? are we forgetting your brazillian brother with the leprosy? i guess we are. FOR SHAME!!!
but no, seriously, cheer up. you'll be coming over sometime soon i hope, and it will be fun. and then, even if its a holiday, you can always call me on christmas or email me or mail me a letter or shave a llamas booty on the top of the brasstown bald and morse code a message to me. i will somehow respond (although i like to think that it will involve me and an elephant and...nevermind. i'll leave that one to your imagination, you dirty dirty old bag you.)
odds, ends, and purple monkey trends
my top three lists
Amazing Grace
Great High Mountain
Lady Margaret
Eisenhower (more on this later)
Cassie Franklin
The White Stripes
Pink Floyd
TV Shows:
Gilmore Girls
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
The Simpsons (not always in this order, depending on my mood)
Movies: Books:
Empire Records
Austin Powers
Dreamland, Sarah Dessen
The Last Vampire, Christopher Pike
Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson
Rap Songs: CDs:
Rainman, Eminem
Why, Jadakiss
Be R Right, Ludacris Featuring Trina
Encore, Eminem
Up, Shania Twain
alright, that's all i can think of now. country would have made the list, but i had to be honest. and the eisenhower thing, i chose him because he's a fellow pimp, just like nixon and clinton, who are the two greatest presidents EVER.
again, i say nixon

seriously, h0w could you not love this man? he is so hot. i mean, come on. why else would they make so many rubber masks of him? everyone wants to be nixon, because he settled with the USSR and Vietnam. WE WENT TO THE MOON UNDER THIS MAN! he died 10 years ago, people. show the man respect.
dalai vs. nixon: the great battle
nixon was a fantasmic president. he kept the peace for the most part, and only had the one major scandal in his career, which most people don't even know about. many people think that bill clinton had a greater scandal, because nixon's scandal wasn't even that bad, if you think about it. at least nixon had the decency to do whatever it was in a hotel, unlike clinton. but anyway, that is not why he is great, (and he didn't do what clinton did either, i'm just saying that because the reference is so easy to make). i realize that by now i am making no sense and just typing BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT. let me continue.
the dalai lama... what did he do? that's right. absolutely nothing. he wants peace, sure. how do we really know this? his last name is lama, for goodness sakes' and we all know that lamas aren't to be trusted. and the dalai lama doesn't represent the american dream people, so quit worshipping him. i mean, the man's only what some would call a deity, but nevermind that.
i feel like i'm about to throw up. why? because of the fact that i just wasted all of this time posting about something i'm just saying to be argumentative? no. because i ate breakfast from mcdonald's. i really don't know what america or any other country sees in that place. but every time i go there, i think, "hmm, maybe it will be better this time." and every time it tastes like greasy shirt covered in nasty. and now i am feeling vomitlicious.
oooh!! i almost forgot. me and grandbee went shopping yesterday and the highlights of this trip are purple knee high boots and a black velvet skirt!! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!? PURPLE BOOTS AND A BLACK VELVET SKIRT!!! oh yes, oh yes, this is the clothing that i can tolerate. of course, i was forced to buy a light pink sweater that i supposedly look okay in, but that was my grandmother's doing. so HA, on you stein mart, with your weird looking clothes and overpriced sweaters! i found the perfectness amongst your trashy rags! muhuhahahah!~
we went to eat at broadway diner. my dad didn't want to go, my mom did, and my mom hated her food, my dad loved his. he even got baklava. but that's just a bonus to the story. my grandfather and grandma are very picky about their food. my grandfather (Papa Dan) was trying to cut his meat, and when he realized he couldn't, he asked for another knife. since that was the sharpest type of knife they had, they gave him a piece of cake. that's right. a whole entire piece of cake because his knife wasn't sharp enough. and it turned out the knife was sharp enough, it's just that it was crooked. i have to laugh at my family sometimes, and for this i get a withering glance, but i can accept this.
and chance has been mouthing off to his teacher lately. he tried to pick a fight with me, but since i can outstare him, he wouldn't dare. and he does this weird thing where he looks over the rim of his glasses, but not at you, around you. he reminds me of greg brinson. i fear that that is what he will become. kelsie understands my horror... at least, she should. if she doesn't, then i fear for both chance and kelsie...
sorry about that. but you know what? simon and garfunkel are the indeedness. they sing in harmony man. HAR (as in laugh) MO (as in the disgruntled bartender on the Simpsons) NY (as in the patella). do they make sense? no. do they sound cool? no. its all about the harmony.
oh yes, the aademic meet. twas fun. i love my power rushes when i'm captain and whatnot. of course, as a result, i cant really trust my judgement anymore, and my hands constantly shake, and i am shooting herion into my eyeballs, but you know, you gotta take the good with the bad, even runon sentences...
ah, as you seem to so cleverly notice, oh brilliant reader you, i have a new blog. this blog is special. this blog is the indeedness special. it is the blog with the kaby. oh yes, it is.
see, links are awesome. if only they were easier to put on ...
This is Kaby
Is it just my computer, or does the font look a little bigger than it normally is?
And, except that the links and blogs are double-spaced- all IS good.
You see, I added the links. Yes, Hillary. I did it. It was me. Well, it couldn't be anyone else, because I am the only one with your password. Which I can do evil things with.... Just kidding, I'm not *that* mean.
Hope you like it! I did my best, or close enough anyway.
--Kelsie, @ http://kabys_blog.blogspot.com
kelsie has doubted my abilites
i was listening to the best christmas song ever earlier. "i'm gettin nuttin for christmas." it is a song about a bad little boy who is getting nothing for christmas (except he says it in cute little children twang, so it's adorable.). then at the end he says
Who's that man with the big bag over his shoulder? It's him! It's him! I thought he wasn't coming this year! *big burly voice of man with bag* "alright kid, where's the silverware?"* in the kitchen.. *"and the furniture?"* same place as last year. join me in the chorus? *" same as last year?"* same as last year. *" okay!"*oh yes, such a great song that will be forever immortalized by my blog. and, people, i would like to ask a favor, since i am a simple girl who cannot add links. if you have the time or the patience or anything, would you please tell me how to do a link where i can understand it? preferrably give me a template with the links already on it, for i am a lazy cow and i see no error in my ways. if i were to see error in my ways, kelsie will have slapped and or killed me, because not only did i tell her to, but because this would mean the crumbling of her universe. sure, she'd have her family to break the fall, but nothing will take that immortal pain away...
OH NO!!! I JUST GOT BIT BY A BUGGY!!!! HELP ME!!!!!! oh, and sir dr. funkyfish the second says hello to you all. he is alive and swimming....
bonnie and clyde
i wish i had tivo so i could watch it over and over and over again. without the 12 mintue long commercials either.
alright, so here's what i gathered from the movie:
- never ever trust your brother's wife, because she will become blind and snitch on you to the Texan cop you made a fool of.
- never fool with a Texas cop, for they will gun you down when you least expect it
- always expect it, especially after you just saw a cop car in town.
- if you and your significant other get shot, make sure you can still hold hands (your right arm and his left arm should br broken to accomplish this)
- never ever say that you are a mortician around killers, or you will be left on the side of the road three states away from where you were abducted.
- don't expect your mom to except you as a cold-harded criminal. it just won't happen.
- and always, always remember, that if you are going to get shot down, make sure you have written a beautiful poem depicting the scene, so others will know how you feel about your imminent death.
rubicand of visage
speaking of drunk, my eyes have been bloodshot ever since i got home from school. i don't know why. could it be the heroin injections? no. i'm used to those by now... the marijuana? no, again, i'm used to it. it could be because i got coverup makeup in my eye and kept rubbing at it... that's right, i wore a form of makeup. i think kelsie was getting annoyed with me for looking in the mirror. but nobody cares about kelsie, because she can't even pay for her sister's cheap christmas presents. silly idiotic kelsie.
i've been being called hilary duff by the ignorami in my class. it annoys me so. I CAN SING. hilary duff cannot. yes kelsie, she is as wholesome as swiss cheese, but she uses a voice thing to make her sound better. and it doesn't really work, let me tell you.
i will say this, but only because chynna keeps not letting me stab and kill her. there is one person who has abnormally long toes. i mean, they are almost bigger than her thumb. it's insane. but i'm not naming any names cough, cough. cough , no seriously, cough, i'm choking, cough cough, help me!!!
Quotes from October Sky.
"'look, i'm bleeding to death,' i giggled. 'you really are,' Roy Lee said, then started laughing.."
" ' die? ' i perked up. 'who's gonna die?' 'You are, you moron,' O'Dell told me."
my love of air
i'm wheezing now as i write. i have been having to use my inhaler more and more frequently, so i can breathe so much easier. i swear, when i grow up and have kids, i will always tell them to never take a single breath for granted. and i will never smoke around them, or let anyone smoke around them. if i start smoking, which i really don't see myself doing, then i will never ever smoke around them. i can't even imagine.
nobody understands this obsession with my breathing. i know this is like, my seven thousandth post about it. but i dont understand how people DON'T think about it. i picture myself as an old lady with an oxygen tank, having to have someone carry it around for me because i don't have the strength. i probably won't even be old when this happens. it just hurts to think that i won't be able to breathe through the night as i get older. it's such a priceless thing to lose.
i will also treat my children with the respect they deserve. and i will be a darn good parent. i won't slack with it.
oh God, if only if only i knew i would breathe a little better, i would breathe a little better.
double shots
this is weird here: my mom lived one street over from where we live today, right? well, turns out, naomi lived right next door to here. so my mom and naomi knew eachother before dan and grandbee knew eachother (dan is naomi's dad who is my grandmother's boyfriend). so when they grew up, my mom married her dad's girlfriend's son, and they were already lifelong friends. very strange..
*sigh*. i miss kirstie. i haven't seen her in nearly two months. we never do anything, but she's still one of my best friends. i just...miss her. and all of my friends, but not as much, since i'll be seeing them monday. achk.
and i drank a double shot to get me through the day, because i was sooo tired and i am sick now and i better get well soon or i will kill kelsie, who made me sick. silly monkey...
i also have to start packing up our stuff, because we will be bug bombing the house tomorrow. there are actually two bugs on the computer screen right now. our house is infested, and my dad refuses to get an exterminator. but hey, maybe we'll finally be rid of the little roach things. although i can't say i won't miss them. they were always so friendly.
anyway, i gots to make my delicious dessert. it is a chocolate trifle, inspired by a pumpkin gingerbread trifle i saw on the food network that looked so yummy. i want to replicate that, but i don't think we have any pretty dishes, so it won't look as good. but hey, you can't have everything. ...
in other news, there is a mold-like disease taking over my computer. my house has never been all too sanitary, to be honest, but mold on the keyboard is gross. yet strangely amusing. i can't type without laughing. it could be because the moldy fuzz is tickling my fingers so i giggle like a little school girl who's faced with seven years of martha stewart time, because she knows that martha will never wrong her. good old martha. except for when she makes jam in prison. that's a no-no. when i heard about that, i cried. you are denying this woman the right to make her precious JAM? you MONSTERS!! HOW COULD YOU??? hmm, if only i felt that strongly about other aspects of my life. like cleaning the mold off of the keyboard.
and, honestly, there is no fuzz on my keyboard. but when it does get here, then i will welcome it, because i can really imagine my fingers being tickled. yes, tickled fingers is all that matters in a world full of people who will shoot you as soon as chase a spotted leopard.
oh, saw this interesting thing on discovery channel that i felt i needed to share. did you know that a hippapotamous' penis is curved backwards so he can urinate through his hind legs? and when he "defacates", or feciating, as i like to say, his tail swirls around and spreads the "feces", marking his territory. and when these fierce animals fight, they open their jaws as big as they can, and bite eachother's rearends. i thought it was fascinating. i now want to become a hippapotamous, and not just because the guy said that the females often get trampled upon in the water. no, no, it's deeper than that. i think that i essentially AM a hippapotamous. truly, i do. and *tear* if *sniffle* i were to become a member of this prestigious species, i too would spread my feces around with my tail. i too would enjoy urinating through my hind legs. and i too would get to open my jaws to the size of kingdom come. just remember this, dear friends. this is what i want for christmas, and if you can't make it happen, then you never really were a friend, WERE YOU?!?!?!?
i freaked myself out the other day in a weirder way than that. i've been playing cards at lunch with kelsie and hannah, and i usually win the game speed, which is what we frequently play. but hannah beat me one day ( i still say she cheated, but they say i'm a sore loser...imagine that.). kelsie, with her "you got sponged-ness" said that, and i said, "i'll show you what being sponged is. i'll bring a sponge dripping with bleach and throw it at your eyes." then hannah talks about sponge cakes, and i think about saying i would put bleach in a sponge cake and feed it to them. we laughed and said more, all in the name of fun. i come home, and my mom tells me about these two girls who PUT BLEACH IN A CAKE AND FED IT TO THEIR CLASSMATES! i was a wee bit creepified.
then earlier this week with the quoting of the pink floyd that i hath mentioned. but that wasn't as major, as you will concur.
i'm bored right now. so bored, that i am pawing through my mom's dessert cookbook to find something to bake for thanksgiving at my grandmother's house. let me just say this: thanksgiving is a good holiday. i can't really say it's my favorite, because i like the christmas tree more than the turkey, but it is a great one, nonetheless. i go to my grandmother's house and she's cooking and it smells good and i'm comfortable and somehow we always play checkers and my dad usually beats me at it. my uncle tries to figure out the rubics cube again, which is difficult even when he printed directions from the internet. my cousin follows either me, joey, or chance around unmercifully. i have to watch it when i say stupid or freaking. it's one of the few times of the year where i get to see my family and laugh at how functional it is. one year, and i can swear to this, my mom, aunt, and grandmother were sitting in a room. my mom exclaimed what a miracle it was for her to have finished with the laundry. my aunt and grandmother actually APPLAUDED. i had to leave the room before they saw me laughing...
my family is not dysfunctional. every family is like ours, i do believe. sure, each family has it's individual quirks, but everyone's the same. it bugs me when people talk about their dysfunctional lives. their life is not very different from mine, more than likely. unless their cousin was eaten by an extinct tasmanian tiger wolf. then i think they have a right to complain. but then and only then will i accept that.
and "guess what" is not a question, it is a command, i stick by this, no matter what anybody says (KELSIE).
another brick in the big fat wall
this is what i doodled on the top of a paper i had to turn in in lang. arts. i get it back today,. and shifflet said i quoted it wrong. i only quoted the first part, mind you, and he said i quoted it wrong. I DID NOT QUOTE PINK FLOYD WRONG! silly language arts teacher that frustrate me...
and it's like all of the sudden, the teachers are bent on not letting us enjoy the remainder of the school week. i have to present a report on an extinct animal tomorrow and a test friday in science. i have a test tomorrow and friday in social studies. paper due friday in language arts. test friday WITH DECIMALS AND FRACTIONS. seriously, when am i gonna need to know the function of lines when i am a writer, other than referencing to its uselessness?!?! or even if i'm a lawyer, or a CONTRACTOR, for goodness sakes. i hate school this week.
but i do have something to look forward to. exactly one week from tomorrow is thanksgiving. which mean, delicious food. oh yes, delicious food indeed. my mouth is watering.
yesterday in science, a girl haliegh was in the room with me, gracie, r.j, jessie, and ashley while we were working on our projects when the rest of the class was in the media center. i started making fun of my weight. she asked if my weight bothered me. my answer.
not really. i mean, yeah, i wish i looked better in clothes and such, but come on. i can't complain about something i do not aim to fix. if i worried that much about my wieght, i would start exercising and eating right. but i like being lazy and reading books and eating as much food as i want. seriously, us fat people get all of the perks.
except for tom arnold and roseanne barr. but we just captured kirstie alley, so HA!
you've been sponged
i'm posting this for no apparent reason, other than to really hash out media festival ideas. since gracie did not turn in a permission slip, she will not be participating. that is not good, but me and kelsie will survive. i think we should take a camera and follow us around all day in each class and splice it together to make a 7 minute documentary. the life of a rising high schooler, it should be. it would be interesting. kelsie has suggested filming her baby brother attacking barbie dolls, but the logistics of that send my head spinning. i've been wanting to talk to mrs. seagraves about science fair, since my teacher hasn't been doing it, but she is NEVER there, which is just bloknakker. that's right, i said it. and there's nothing you can do about it either.
lately school has gotten better. shifflet like never picks on me, which is so cool. homeroom's still a pain, but i live through the 5 minutes i have to endure. lunch is getting more and more fun simce hannah turned out to be such a rotten card player. heh heh heh, i'm so good at speed, it's scary...
i'm waiting for whose line is it anyway to come one. they've finally started showing the newer episodes. now i get to see new Ryans and Colins. oh, what JOY!!! i tHink randOm capItiLizaTion is aweSome, Don't yoU?
gone with the floor
for those of you who do not know, my family is poor. really really. my dad's car works everytime a woman wins the lottery for over $25 (which is a weird analogy indeed, but it works that often). most of you know that my dad is a pizza/mail deliveryman. meaning he needs a car. meaning he needs a new car, since his keeps breaking down. meaning we might not have christmas this year. which i'm perfectly fine with. hey, i don't have to keep chance in my room so he doesn't wake up and see you guys setting up the presents? i can just sit here in my room and watch a christmas story for the millionth time? AWESOME! it's just that chance loves christmas, so that would be kind of a bummer.
anyway, i'm rereading gone with the wind. quite possibly my favorite book of all time, mostly because it is all about Georgia, a GA i never (thank God) knew. i wish i had known margaret mitchell though. she seems like she would be a fantastic person to meet. i've read about her, and she was slightly insane when she wrote the book, which would make her even more interesting to me.
ach, my tooth hurts. i think i have a cavity (or 7). but you know what? cavities weren't around when there were no toothbrushes. it is all a sham built by crest and aquafresh and listerine to keep us thinking that our teeth need to be beautiful and white and plaque free. George washington dealt with it, and i will too. unless they say i need wooden dentures. sorry, george, but you were a moron for taking those things. owie...
stupid tooth. the only thing wrong with my day is this stupid tooth. i could kill it, i really could. now if only i knew how to kill a tooth without harming the surrounding ones....
there's actually not really a lot that's been going on. every day has melted into one day. it feels like i've been at stockbridge all year, like dutchtown never even happened.
oh, the meet was fun. gracie and lauren weren't there, because of obscure reasons which i think have to do with them not wanting to be there. i think a guy hit on me, which is a major confidence booster. kelsie was my good luck charm, because i was so nervous my hand was shaking. i don't even know why i was that nervous, but i needed kelsie to sit next to me to calm me down. then ms. seagraves had to tell me we were behind, which made me get even more nervous, and we got 80 points behind.
but whatever. kelsie wasn't there on the ride back, and i talked to ms. seagraves. i wish that she had been our teacher for all of middle school. she gets everything, and she would teach it fantasmically too. there are kids in her class making 22's, which is bad, since she gives so much extra credit, it's insane.
ah, but i'm sleepy. i just wanted to let all of you know that i am doing well, am trying to join al-anon, and i lost my train of thought. i hate it when that happens. ah, well, adios.
if x is a positive integer, x to the xth power equals x. what is x?
tired of fighting
i'm tired. i'm so so tired. i want to be able to tell my friends things without the fear that i'll be made fun of. i'm tired of fear.
i'm tired of playing cards at the lunch table with kelsie when we both should be enjoying ourselves as much as the rest of them do. i'm sure she's tired of it too. especially when i'm shuffling.
i'm tired of not being funny. i want to make you guys laugh, i really do. yo uhave no idea how much. it's just, i guess... i'm tired of not being taken seriously.
the great wall of chynna
every single time i tell you something in confidence, you hold it over my head that you're going to tell someone else. when i told you the one thing i said about peter, that was all i could hear about for nearly two months. and sometimes you go out of your way to lie or do something to make the rest of us wonder, "why is she so mad at me?" just to get attention. and you admit to it, so don't even say you don't, and don't act all offended either. so i don't trust you with as many personal aspects of my life as i do gracie and kelsie, but that's because they don't pull that crap. ever. you see where i'm going with that?
but i am sorry that i hurt your feelings. i really am. you have no idea how guilty i feel over hurting one of my friend's feelings. maybe after i tell you and kelsie what i have been trying to tell you for forever, then you'll understand better. i'm also sorry that when i sent you an apology letter, you immediately threw it away. do you even care what i did then chynna? i bet you don't. well here's what i did. i blinked repeatedly to keep away the tears. so thanks, chynna. thanks a whole lot.
and kelsie, don't you even want to try to get me?
why am i doing this to myself? i am so worried that i'm hurting my friends that i ignore the fact that i'm crying. i ignore the things that I can do to console myself, since obviously when i put my real thoughts out there, everybody rejects them.
and what the hell is up with that anyway? what the hell do you know about me that can make you ticked off even when i apologize? who the hell do you think you are, any of you, who judge me? i'll tell you who you aren't. a true friend. so if you don't wanna forgive me, even after i tell you what i was going to tell you, then forget you. i would say something more, but kelsie's mom would probly somehow manage to read it.
but thanks for making me feel bad and angry with myself once again. truly are great friends, seriously.
too mad to think
i am apparently going to have to do 24 weeks of p.e. this year because the school can't afford to hire new teachers. i'm ticked off. and it seems like my mom is hellbent against letting me go to group therapy, because she keeps canceling and whatnot. but i need to get these thoughts out, dang it. it's driving me insane.
the other girl is so nice. and she gets me. we are almost exactly alike. i promised i wouldn't say anything to anybody about her though, so i can't go too much into detail. but she got me, ya know? i could tell her the stuff that i can't tell my friends, with the exception of sammy.but i'm hoping to have that changed. and kelsie, please don't hate me for what i have to say. please.
and there's another thing, something i cannot post because there are certain people i don't trust who read this blog (sorry chynna).
and bush won. i lost all respect for female voters who voted for him. listen to this, and listen now. he is about taking away women's rights. do you think that we just got abortions handed to us on a silver platter? no, they were fought for by the same women who fought for us to vote. i just don't understand how you can vote for them to unwind it all. bush is taking away our rights. the right we have to do with our bodies as we wish. it makes me mad to see that.
i think i'm about to tell my friends something that will make them think so much less of me. wish me luck
right now my computer is being a big sillyhead and not loading the cool sound library thing, or updating kelsie's website, or letting me put links. i hate my computer, seriously.
in other news, i did nothing for halloween. i'm good with that though, because i keep snokking some of chance's candy, so it's all good. anyway, we went to ms. seagrave's room after they called carriders today, like we always do (me and kelsie). kelsie was having a staring contest with a stuffed flamingo. i wanted to ask ms. s if she thought it would be a good idea for me to sit out the next meet, but i didn't get the chance to.
see, what people don't understand about me, my therapist, my friends, even you who are reading this blog, you stranger you, is that i feel guilty about a lot of things. it doesn't stop me from doing anything wrong, far from it. when i lie or something, i don't really care to be honest. it's when i mess something up for somebody else. i have been feeling so guilty since the last meet because i was so arrogant in thinking i could answer everything. that's why i wanna sit out the next meet. but at the same time, i still think i did a really good job. so i needed to ask ms. s, but i guess that'll have to wait until wednesday, now won't it?
mr. shifflet is starting to bug me, to be honest. i mean, yeah, he's funny, which is cool, but everytime i look up he asks me a question. like, by looking at him i'm challenging him or something, when i'm trying to be respectful and show that i'm paying attention, because if my dad knew i didn't do that, he'd go berserk for disrespect. anyway, today he asked me if i worked harder than my parents. let's think about that, shall we? my dad drives his car for a living and my mom sits at a computer all day. i am trying to pay attention in every class, begging to bring my algebra grade up (which wouldn't be down if not for stupid tests) and trying to figure out what college i want to go to or how i'll afford it, because they haven't worked so hard as to pay for my education. who works harder?
the world may never know...
simon and garfunkel are extrememly underrated. they are awesome. they heal, man. and so is johnny cash and lit. if you know not these bands, i will have to kill you, seriously. when yiou wake up and see me standing over you with a sharp object, remember which bands you do not know, and that will be your last thought before death.
now i'm wondering at what age can you start earning scholarships, because it looks like i will need them severely. if anyone knows, please tell me.
you know, i think it's gotten to the point where i either notice her more or less than usual. it's kind of disturbing. but "jump around" is on right now, so i can't think about that.
columbian wars
“The U.S. State Department itself has concluded that human rights in Colombia remains poor, that social activists, such as trade unionists, are being killed at an alarming rate, and that they are being killed mostly by paramilitary groups which, as the State Department also concludes, are receiving the active support and collaboration of the very military which the U.S. is funding at record levels.
A notorious example of such tactics, as elaborated in this same report, is the Army's rounding up and detention of 2,000 civilians, including “lost of Saravena's human rights community, as well as many known trade unionists and other social leaders,”; by the 18th Brigade during the traditional fiesta in 2002.
this happened two years ago, and it's just now being released to the public. do you see a problem here, because i do.
the return of the strep!
drugs are ruining this country. seriously. or at least, my school. see, it's red ribbon week. unfortunately. but anyway, yesterday these girls brought out this bag of dirt that looked like pot and threw it in the middle of the floor, where someone picked it up and ratted them out. let the record show that though i was near these girls, i had nothing to do with it. anyway, he told an administrator, and he made a big deal about it, and he's looking for who brought it. now i'm scared because he's a donkey and he coulod think it's real and i could get in trouble for sitting there. argh.
and i missed veronica mars last night, but only because i was watching scrubs, which is 100 times better and funnier.
the proof is in the pudding
i is tired. gracie and lauren were over there trying to flirt with some guys from another school. i made a fool of myself. argh. for an egotistical jerk, i am pretty self mutilating. i know i am not that pretty (come on, i'm a little pretty) and i compare not at all to my friends, who are all beautiful. and i'm okay with that most of the time. just not tonight.
i'm tired, and i think i got strep. and i'm about to miss veronica mars. ACHK!
morbid jokes
why did the puppy eat rat poison?
because he was blind.
why did the man get run over by a bus?
because he was in a wheelchair.
alright, i know those were horrible and in poor taste, but they are hilarious. no, they are hillary-arious. indeed. alright, so since whenever it was i posted, i have been accepted officially on the academic team ( i trounced 'em...sorry kels, but you know it's true...) hmm, let's see... i'm working on a paper about anne frank and genocide, and i'm listening to good music right now. one day, i will post what songs are my absolute favorite, but not right now, because i am tired and have more to right ( or so i think/thought).
i went to group therapy. the other girl was nice. can't tell you anymore, i was sworn to confidentiality. but her and i relate. same problems, so crap. except hers is much worse. anyway...
ahh, soon you will see links added on this blog, because kelsie has saved me yet again. unless, she has made the directions too complicated. i can be as booksmart as the next guy, but i will never understand html. so anything good on this site (other than my superb writing) you can attribute to kelsie.
and, by the way, kelsie is trying to raise money for juvenile diabetes research foundation. if you would like to make a donation (please do, she's got a sob story, and it's really good), please go to jdrf.com. i think that''ll work, but i'm not sure....
i'll give a real site later, but i can't find it right now. but i must leave you (i'll be posting tuesday or after). i would say farewell, but i hate you and hope you die, because either you worship the dalai lama or the cheesasaurus rex. either way, i hate you.
alright, here's the deal. if i could vote, i would vote kerry. i would really like to vote nader, but because of the fact that that would be like throwing away a vote, i would not. if he was a 30/40% to win, i would definitely vote nader, for he is a true American hero. but i would vote kerry, because he is prochoice, he wouldn't make a law against gay marriages, the war in iraq could only get better in his hands, and gun laws would be more strict. and for all of you religious zealots who just stopped reading this because of the first two, think again. prochoice doesn't mean i support having abortions. i myself do not think that i would ever want to have one. but it gives a choice. it's not where you have no choice at all. it is a choice. understand that. and the gay marriage thing. it does not (at least in my opinion) degrade marriage. if anything, it makes it a stronger message. all of the reality shows that feature weddings that break apart within two weeks, that degrades marriage. but if a man and a man really love eachother, than they should be able to show their love. again, it's a choice. who wants their choices taken away. and the gun laws are obvious.
i mean, seriously. imagine a girl who is poorer than dirt who can't have an abortion, and the man who impregnated went to iraq and got killed. so she raises the baby, alone, with cockroaches on the floor, and one tiny meal a day. she gets angry, she lets off her steam on him. the little kid either grows up in a violent situation or goes to an orphanage and whatnot. either way, when the kids gets into high school, he feels unwanted and angry. since the gun restrictions are so lax, he picks one up at a CVS and takes it to school, and kills everyone in the building.
and this bull about how anything could be a weapon is ridiculous. someone said, "well, you could stab a person with a pencil, are they going to take those away too now?" yeah, but pencils are meant for writing. what uses do guns have? that's right. that'd be killing.
think before you act, people. think long and hard. because we could either end up in that situation, or we could end up in something much better.
still not breathing
i took a shower and almost scalded myself the water was so hot. it helped me breathe a little easier. then i got out and i was gasping for air. i hate it.
i spent the night with kelsie last night. fun. i sneezed and coughed a billion times and only got a few hours sleep, but i had fun. i wil confess this here to kelsie right now, the real reason i wanted to sleep over was to make sure you were okay with everything. you don't talk, and that's not healthy. and the line in your post struck a chord. so i came, i saw, i sneezed. a-burn.
kelsie's family is really cool. her sisters are funny, and so is her little brother. the only thing i don't get is the rules they have set up, ones that actually make sense, but i have never followed, like waiting until you are 13 to watch a pg13 movie. but hey, kelsie turned out alright, so i cannot question her parents motives.
i was practically bawling in shifflet's class yesterday. oh, but don't you worry, nobody noticed. i was crying into my jacket, thanks. gracie looked like she was about to say something, but didn't. sometimes i wonder how great it was for me to put up a fight to go back. i just can't stand it here. everybody in my house fights all of the time. mom's constantly "being bad" and thinking it's cute. and it's not like i don't know what they do downstairs in their room. "im going to have some quiet time" yeah, okay. don't forget the lysol bottle for the smell. i came home and i started to write. it's actually pretty decent, or so i think. i can't really get conversations down, but i can get tone right. of course, my dad would never go for me going to unc to study under sarah dessen, because he thinks "ihavemorepotentialthanthat" but i don't think so. i don't have to breathe to be a writer, dad.
i don't have to see or breathe to be a writer. i just have to think.
humor tumors
i think my head might hurt because i was sniffing the glue in the art room. freaking papier mache projects, not giving me ample time to enjoy the smell of glue. and for those readers of my blog who are not in school, bite me. you had to go through it too, and now you have to go to work, so i dont wanna hear how much school sucks. i already know, thanks. and i'm sure you don't wanna hear about how much school sucks, because you've already been through it. but it's MY blog, and i don't care about demographics, thank you very much (-o mr. roboto).
i hope my brain pains go away soon, or i will go pull a lizzy borden and kill my parents, but there will be no substantial proof, so i will get away with it. but i won't pull an o.j. and get away with it because i've got money, no sirree. i'm poorer than farmers on green acres. except, since they're paid actors, they're probly richer than me.... but anyway, this just increases the size of my humor tumor...
and i think i'm going crazy, because i see something move and then it's not moving when i look directly at it... i must look into the signs of schizophrenia to see if i have this as well..
phone calls and obsessions
today i looked around my room and realized how obsessed i can be. think about it: i have a healthy collection of bouncy balls, foil, spatulas, pillows, hair scrunchies, and rocks/marbles. and pictures, obviously. i love pictures....
it is great hanging out with kirstie sometimes. we get bored all of the time, because there is absolutely nothing to do until 10 minutes before she has to go. like, today, we made up a massive hopskotch game. i haven't played that game since i was 5. but we made a billion twists and turns up and down the street. it was awesome. my fastest time for the short one was 10 seconds, and the long one was 1 minute, 32 seconds, just in case you would like to know this...
i am waiting for desparate housewives to come on. i don't care that it's the most sexual show on right now. please, it's me. but i like the fact that the narrator killed herself. suicide is fascinating to me. it reminds me of the term barbed velvet. for them, i mean, it's gotta be. but anyway, let's move on from my obsessions, which includes my blog, i guess...
my friend, kelsie (www.kabys_blog.blogspot.com) is scaring me. she is saying it was her fault that her dad's bmw broke down because she thought it. i agree with her. now she knows the telepathic powers she possesses. be afraid. be very afraid...
kelsie sent me a link to the funniest blog i have ever read. www.jermunns.blogspot.com
now i will go and complete the best salesmen costume EVER. yersh
I got the letter yesterday, right after y 1st post, and then i put the other post because i was too excited to speak... or write. but anyway, back to my first day.
i thought it would be more fun, i'll be honest with you. last year was a blast. i should've expected it, i guess. it was all downhill from mrs oliver anyway... but i have to do make up work this weekend, because i was so behind from dutchtown. stupid dutchtown. i am probly gonna go to bed at like, 9:00 tonight. scratch that, i'm going to sleep as soon as i get offline.
and i am on the academic team. it was actually kinda stupid to worry about it. ms seagraves was like, "of course you're on. but maybe not if you're gonna be so stupid." and she said i'm most likely gonna be captain. YERSH!
but my mom is gonna have to miss a lot of work picking me up from school. i feel soooo guilty about that. i am hoping *cough cough* that my friends might be able to let me stay with them sometimes after school. because that would be cool.
stupid cd is skipping. i gotta go fix that....
i am serious. that's the only thing i look forward to, even at dutchtown. i like beating other people in the way that i know how. answering questions is my life. i was half temptem to throw away my nomination for student body president today. but i thought better of it and turned it in. i want to go to college, i wanna be somebody. i wanna study under sarah dessen at the university of north carolina. she is the most amazing writer, and can turn something as sad and depressing as abuse into a lessen learned with quirks along the way. i really am thinking of going there. of course, i am not exactly sure what i want to be when i grow up, but whatever. i think i need to be president to get into college. i don't care about the student body. i'm praying that another person wins, because they probably want it more or for the same reasons.
i am tired. i am frazzled. dutchtown is wearing me down to a nub. but don't worry. i've still got the hope of a letter back. that's all i need. that's all i want.
it's amazing how we idolize our parents when we're young. maybe even when we're in our teen years or early twenties (i can't know this, but i don't wanna offend anybody.) but then you realize something about your parents that must have always been there, it's just you're starting to notice it now. my dad cares nothing about other people. if you don't say yes sir, he will go upside your head. if you want to go home, he'll take the extra hour route just because you said that. my dad is the biggest jerk you have ever seen. and i'm seriously debating on some major things right now. and i want to talk this out with someone, but i'm embarrassed to do this with any of my friends. there parents are so nice. i don't think they'd understand anything. so i sit here, keeping it all locked up.
that's part of the reason i'm getting the letter to go back to stockbridge. they say that these problems are just arising because of my new environment. but i've never been able to talk about things with other people out loud. too much breath would be wasted, in my opinion, because they wouldn't get it.
i will tell you this. one day you will come onto this blog and see all of my secrets. every last one of them. and you will be so shocked. completely and utterly shocked. but i can't breathe it out right now. i'm choking for air.
i am so going to hell when i die, just for my procrastination.
spaghetti in paradise
i am getting behind in all of my classes. but that's fine. who needs class when you have air?
and we had spaghetti!
family history
chris is possible my favorite brother. yeah, joey and chance have their quirks, but chris is funny and smart. and he's nice most of the time. when he's not a dirkowitz, that is. he doesn't understand why i like my parents so much, but he's still cool.
he doesn't like our dsd because my dad used to fly off his rocker sometimes. you can assume what happened back then. my dad still gets mad like that, but he doesn't dare touch anyone of us. chris will take him down. and he doesn't like my mom because she's a hypocritical liar. but he only sees their bad sides. my mom's fun to cheer up, and my dad is kinda interesting when he's not throwing a hissy fit. you'd have to get to know my family to understand this.
but even though i love them to death, i see their bad sides, too. all of them. and i dislike them as much as i love them. maybe even more. because when mom acts like she's not drunk and dad gets upset because chance isn't disciplined (result of his not being around), i sort of hate them. not many people can relate to this, so if you do, i'm sorry for you.
that's just how im feeling now.
i also got a form for student government. and beta club. i tell you, i am going full tilt on the non athletic extra curriculars this year. maybe it'll make school more bearable, i don't know... it just sucks when you have no one to talk to, you know? i mean, i talk to one girl in language arts. just one. and she's just in the one class. i hate all of this junk. i don't want to be on academic team without gracie and kelsie and sammy and everybody. arghness.
but hey, if the psychiatrist thinks im crazy enough, i can go back. let's just hope now, kiddies, and it'll all be over...
my apologies to simone
anyway, now that i got that off of my chest....
i went to the psychiatrist about dutchtown. i have good news and bad news. the good news is that they are working on a letter to get me back. the bad news is that i just switched to geico and i lost 10 grand in the process...
oh, sorry again simone. please don't hate me for lying about being 2 years older. i do feel really really bad about it.
day of birth
my friends spent the night last night. we all played massive games of things like hide and go seek or freeze tag. yes, a bit young for us, but still fun. especially when joey and all of his friends kept putting on special "displays" of affection. ahh, much fun.
this morning we woke up, ate delectable muffins (compliments to daddio), and played a less intense version of hide and go seek, where we all just stood around and pretended to hide behind the thinnest tree EVER. then we went to see Napolean Dynamite. not as wonderful as i thought it would be, i must admit, but it was still really good. olive garden was our next destination, where they sang to me (my mom seems to find it hilarious to see how many shades of red i turn, each and every year...). we came home after that and then me grace and kelsie talked about nothing but everything for an hour and a half. i really wish i were back with them at stockbridge. they do too. they hate it as much as i hate dutchtown.
anyway, i got some awesome presents. the first season of gilmore girls, a purple monkey, a boobah (zumba), and much cash (gracie being the amazing benefactor on that with $20). and kelsie's "family" gave me a cool cow calendar from chik fil a. AND THE CHERRY CHEESECAKE WAS AWESOME!!!!!
i hope that the hurricanes wherever they are, hurry up and get here and get on with it. it's really starting to bug me. then again, one tornado was north of stockbridge, where we live. i was terrified. but thankfully, we are all safe. i hope that everyone is safe, especially the people i have met through wonderful blogs in new york who wished me a happy birthday (THANKS SIMONE). i shall go now. not because i need to, but because i think you'll kill me after reading this much.
chance's birthday and mine
chance got four movies and 12 books for his birthday yesterday. it was a nice birthday, i must say. but i can't wait until mine. cherry cheesecake, foil, oh goodness goodness, it is so awesome.
and I personally get to eat a Sonic's breakfast burrito with picante sauce. yes yes, so awesome.
haircuts and chihuahas
my hair, which was nearly 2 feet (2 inches away, buddy!), has been cut and layered. i have succumbed to the "in" thing, i admit. but it looks good. it's easier to style. i can make it uber curly or straight with the coolness flippies at the end. it's awesome. but my hair barely goes into a ponytail now, which sucks. but hey, less shampoo...
im at my grandmother's house. but im supposedly going back tomorry for chance's birthday. shhh, but i got him the first 8 books in the junie b. jones series. i love those books. that little girl is just so funny. in other news, my birthday is sunday. that's right. chance was born 4 days before my birthday. which means that that year, i had a horrible party because my mom was still in the hospital, and that my parents enjoyed january a lot, the latter of which i do not like to think about...
grambee let me drive the golf cart earlier. almost killed us only twice, so it was fine. one time, i was going like, 35 miles an hour (not fast for a car, but monstrous for a golf cart) and i was going to try to calm her down, and what ended up coming out was "shhh, im going too slow, you're making me wanna go faster." she nearly killed us, because she started laughing and then made me start laughing, not so good going so fast...
don't get me wrong, i love my grandmother, but she is insane. right now, her two chihuahas are listening to tchaicovsky (i don't think that's how it's spelled, but that's okay). the girl, tj (named after my aunt tammy jane) thinks she can just come up to anyone and bite them. that rat bites me, i'll bite her back.
i dislike chihuahas. not only because their name is a pain in the neck to spell, but because they are so tiny but can jump so high. and if they're overweight, it's scary, because tj is overweight, and she wheezes all of the time. extremely frightening. and you can't cuddle the little buggers. if i weren't allergic to dogs, i would have big labradors and such, not teeny chihuahas.
i know why i haven't been sleeping right. it's those dang chihuahas, that's it. argh!!!
the amazing thing is, i didn't know it until midafternoon, when i went to wash some sheets. i actually picked up the sheets to put in the washer and got the junk all over me. and i still smell like urine. again, i say how unpleasant it is.
a person, who shall remain nameless, has commited late night vandalism. this is very important news, althought i can't say what it is for i am sworn to secrecy.
kirstie spent the night last night. it was pretty cool, i guess. we sang moulin rouge really loud and got high off of candy ciggarettes, but it was fun...
gracie and kelsie are on vacation. argh. i am going insane. thank goodness i got jw to talk to...
frankie, ella, and satchmo
i had to go to school today. yesterday and tuesday we got off due to frances (another great fankie, although in a bad way) i hate school. my g.s teacher is a booty head who is in love with his own voice and think the world will crumble if he's not there for the day. which is horrible, because NOBODY likes him. i miss not having big booty heads for my teachers. or for my classmates. the kids in my class barely even know that when multiplying intergers, a positive and a negative equal a negative and a negative and a negative equal a positive. these peoples are morons. AND WE ARE STILL REVIEWING VERBS!!! we learned all of this stuff in the 5th grade. why must we be forced to go over it.? AND WHAT IS THE USE OF ENGLISH ANYWAY?!? you will never need to know the difference betweed a direct object and a predicate nominative. unless you decide to be an english teacher, which there is absolutely no use of.
my school is $100,000 in debt (probly because they put frikkin flat screen tv's in every frikkin room). though i am giddy at the pansy school's dilemna, i am also sad because they are jacking up the prices of everything else. such as chik fil a chicken biscuits, which are now $2.75. nobody has that kind of money. so we are diving further into the cess pool.
the only classes i like are art and pe (go figure...me liking art or pe last year would have been insane). im actually doing stuff this year (in both classes). the extra classes are the only things dutchtown has that's better than stockbridge.
anyway, the names mentioned in the title are my singing/soothing music. you should really listen to them if you don't. nothing like it. except, maybe laughter...
im glad its a no school day. the rain was beating on my windows last night and i couldn't get to sleep. i stayed awake until 4:00 something in the morning, then had to wake up at 6:40 to wake up my brother, which doesn't matter, because none of us have to go to school. im waiting until the rain stops beating on my window to go to sleep. if it doesn't i will have to pass out in the bathroom or something where there are no windows.
yesterday was labor day, which was cool. we went to blockbuster (i do not recommend the movie Alex and Emma, by the way) and played Simpsons Monopoly. I kept holding on with my railroads and such, when dad owned the rest of the board, but i kept skirting by him and he kept landing on my 4 railroads, so i stayed in an hour longer than he wanted me to. he won, of course. but it was so funny. you should have seen his face when he kept landing on my stuff. priceless, just priceless.
my mom seems to think i take my dad's side more than hers. the funny thing is, my dad seems to think i take my mom's side. they don't know that i stand up for both of them when they're badmouthing eachother. it's freaking priceless when i get yelled at because of it, let me tell you. and then they say things that make me want to go the hell away, run for the hills, do anything to get my booty away from them. i hate that, i really do.
but i will give props to the one guy on cnn. he was standing there and saying things like, "oh well, i sure wish i wasn't out in this storm, but since someone's gotta tell the world about the hurricane where nobody is right now because everyone evacuated. oh, and these telephone poles look like their about to fall over, like many have, but it's so dark here i can't really see..."
i'm sorry but that was funny. if that had been in a moive, everyone in the theater would have busted out laughing, that's how funny it was. props to you, cnn weatherman. you the man.
oh, my birthday's in two weeks. oh yeah. oh yeah...
hee ha heh
unfortunately, it is not as fun as it could be. due to the pansy freakin hurricane, all of florida is in georgia right now, on labor day weekend, so we can not do anything. not that i dont feel bad for them, it's just, argh.
joey keeps throwing his little hissy fits. im going to say one thing, and one thing only. if that sucker hits me one more time, i'm going to beat him down. i dont care what i have to do, he's not touching me again. no siree bob.
my birthday is going to be so freaking awesome. me friends will spend the night saturday (unless princess gracie has other plans, and in that case i will kill her) and we will eat taco bell, then the next day we will see napolean dynamite (that guy is soooo hot, even in his geekdom, and it looks funny too) and then we will eat partner's pizza. ahh, to be a year older. age is wisdom, wisdom is age, and whoever came up with that line must have been young because that is the most repetitive thing i have ever heard....
iah, i got to see everybody again! well, not everybody, but i saw trevell and mrs oliver and brandon and everybody! just seeing them, even if i didn't like them that much, was great.
and today was icky picky dutchtown pep rally day, meaning the whole end of the day was used to rile us into watching the lesser football teams win tomorrow for the first home game ever. i will laugh when i hear that they were miserably defeated. but i didn't go to the pep rally, because i have the most awesome mom ever. she picked me up from school before the pep rally started because i had a "dentist appointment". being unable to drive myself, i found this pretty awesom of her. but to be honest, if she hadn't picked me up, i was fully planning on hiding out in the bathroom with my book. i hated pep rallies even at stockbridge, why would i like them here?
ahh, a wonderful day it is. unless i don't get to sit down on the bus tomorrow morning. then i will have to kick some a**. and i don't like cussing, so i use *s instead. plus, it makes you seem more cool...
heh heh heh...
everyone needs to go to quizilla.com. so far, i am skittles, the greek god hectate, antisocial, and the swear word "dumba**". it is an awesome site, let me tell you.
hopefully, tomorrow i won't be posting, because i will be at my friends house and we will be spending the night, because we are going to the stockbridge/dutchtown softball game so i can see my favorite teacher and whatnot.
little moments in life keep you alive. life keeps you alive for its little moments...
mr lusk
i hate it when people call you stuff you don't want to be called. people call me "hill" all of the time. alright, you lazy psychos, my name is "hill-a-ry". though it is not a one syllable name, like some, it doesn't mean i don't want my full name pronounced.
my birthday is in 25 days. OH YEAH!!!! and kaby just asked why she should tell me what my gifts will be, what happened to the concept of surprise, and i told her that if she told me that again, i'd have a coronary and kill her. or something along the lines of that...
but she hatch caved. she will give me...FOIL!!! yes, i collect foil, like pee wee herman. and my foil ball is now the size of a soccer ball, thank you very much...
heh heh heh.
A friend with weed is a friend indeed.
do you like the quote at the top. that's from good ole keiya. yep yep, she can get a friend fixed up in no time.
any who. my mom called for legal advice about the school thing, because apparently my new school has none of the academic things that i had last year, which may obstruct my chances of getting into a good college. he said we had probably cause for legal action. it's very confuzzling. i'm not sure which plan of action we will take yet. there is another option, one which i can't discuss, but it's a viable one, yes indeed.
i have no one to talk to anymore. i can no longer have my adult-like semi conversations with simone, for she is on her anniversary with her husband (because she is not a teenager like the rest of us). and gracie and jw never get on any more, and i miss the both of them. kaby is the only one i can really talk to, but i'm mad at her for SCREWING UP MY TEMPLATE!!! argh.
oh my gosh, didja didja didja know that mason has a crush on me?!? like, wow?!? except, um, not really. i dont know the guy, the guy don't know me, and yeah, he laughs at my shirts, but that's the only interaction i get with him, and i don't think he's just staring at the words, okay. and people thought i'd be all excited because he gave me the time of day. curses on them. but i do admit, it is an ego booster...
heh heh heh. being a female rocks. love you guys!!!
oh, i almost forgot. i saw the walking man again the other day, when we went to eat at ihop. it's so sad thinking of that man.
social cliques suck
i went to kirstie's house for her birthday. a cool new addition to their house was their pool. they had a sweet pool man. i don't think it was more than 7 feet, but the tiling was black and blue, so the water was all dark, you know? and they had a basketball hoop and a diving board and junk. it was wicked. that was probly the highlight of the trip.
but hanging out with kirstie was fun. her friends were over. just great, let me tell you about it. i have more veiws about that, but you shouldn't tell everyone what you don't want one person to know....
and joey drove us back from there. and hour and a half drive, yes it was. he's not a bad driver. curbs and stops aren't his thing yet, but he's really actually kind of good (when no one else is around).
anyway. tomorrow i am going to kirstie's house. it's amazing how you can know a person your whole life and never have been to there house. apparantly, they have a pool and they just redecorated. and joey needs to get some driving experience before he can get his liscence, so he's driving me and chris. yep, joey will be at the wheel. the boy who nearly got into a fight over a seat on the bus that turned into a racial thing. and me nearly getting into a fight because some guy can wear a shirt that has bob marley on the front smoking a joint, but i can't wear a shirt that say "the leprechauns are after my stash." argh.
anyway, i'm really excited. i got kirstie the movie clueless. i hope she likes it. i mean, if she doesn't, that's fine, because i'll just throw a hissy fit and end up getting it myself. but i really tried to look for something for her, and that's all i could find. i'm throwing in some of my dad's earrings (he sells them, doesn't wear them...although, he does wear a night "shirt"... i've pointed out that shirts don't go all the way to the ankles, but i am ignored). and i'm throwing in some weird face mask thingys. i can't use them, because the gunk gets in my hair, and then my hair starts smelling, and it's too much hassle.
on to another topic. it's really weird now. i start thinking about my friends at stockbridge, and i think, i hope they miss me, and i find out i do, and i'm sad for them, and angry, because they shouldn't have to miss me. we should sue dutchtown for putting me through this crap. or for not having an academic team, which will possibly obstruct my chances of getting into a dream college. argh, the apathy i hold in my heart for them is never ending.
i once knew a man who was killed because he used hefty bags. the man who killed him put his body in a gladd bag. i respect a man who stands firmly behind his product...
Must say, very depressed the first week there. No one deigned to talk to me (my "i'll-dissembody-you-if-you-talk-to-me look might not have been to welcoming to be honest.) I was alone. But since then, thankfully (ahem) I have brought a book. No one can tell how long this will last. But my mom is trying to convince the school board (stupid crackheads that they are) to let me go back to Stockbridge. Oh, and get this. Apparently, it's only my grade that they aren't allowing to go back. They overbooked the other grades, but not MINE. Isn't that just freaking special?!?
Anyway, Kaby's birthday was last weekend. Must say, it's so fun *cough* to hear my *best* friends talk about Stockbridge and how much fun they're having. Heartwarming, really. But we went to see A Cinderella Story and ate at Truett's (and went through the children/grandparent's door). Then we went clothes browsing (they had a pair of VELVET BOOTS!! Sadly, they were of a lesser size than my giguntuan feet.) We then ate at Bruster's, where we had a nice laugh at the embryo story again, and I accidentally on purpose spilled my coffee toffee ice cream on Gracie. But that's okay with me.
Kirstie is turning 14 tomorrow, which is awesome for her, I must say. But she's not coming down here. Apparently they have their pool all ready up there. Whatever...
And now, I will go back to reading the final two books in the Last Vampire series by Christopher Pike, which I highly recommend to any vampiric freaks, such as I.
Farewell, for I do not know when I will be seeing you again...
embryos and golf carts
yesterday my friends came over to my grandma's house. it was fun. we went to see 13 going on 30, then went to my grandma's house. we took out her golf cart (she lives in peachtree city...more than 80 miles of golf cart paths...) and went to eat at Partner's Pizza, the best pizza place in the world. Oh, and I got to drive the golf cart, which was so much fun, because my friends thought that i was going to crash and kill them. which i didn't, by the way... then we rode around for a little bit. we went to the shopping center, got some earrings at claire's, and then ate ice cream at the marble slab creamery (i had coffee, which i must say is the best flavor).
now, i told you the first story to tell you this story. on our way back home, me and kelsie were sitting in the back of the golf cart. i brought up the embryo story, and me and kelsie just started laughing. we were laughing pretty hard, and i didn't realize that gracie didn't know the story. she kept giving us the "are you two insane?" looks. so that made us laugh harder, of course. we were laughing for 5 solid minutes before we could finally tell gracie the story. she, however, did not find it as amusing as i. i'm still laughing just thinking about it.
and then i got home, and i was once again saddened, because the final rejection letter from the attendance board saying that i can't go to stockbridge was there. i didn't talk for the rest of the night. not very hard, seeing how i was locked in my room, feeling sorry for myself...
but i woke up this morning, and while still extremely depressed over the situation, i am going to try to not be a brat about it. it sometimes sucks to be a teenager and the only girl in the family...
the stepford wives and shopping
anyway. yesterday, after my grandparents got back, me and my grandma went shopping. i am happy to say, that i got more funny t-shirts. sadly, they were boys' shirts. which i think is kind of one sided, to be honest. i mean, the only shirts they had for girls had stupid things on them, like i love my poodle. a better shirt, that just came to mind by the way, would be "i love my poodle...nonexistent." yes, i know, i'm so hilarious...
but we bought some coolness stuff. really happy. really really happy with a pair of black khakis i got. grandmother not so happy, realizing that i would only get dark shirts or boys' shirts. but, what can you do?
and we went to bj's wharehouse today, where i got 5 packs of polaroid film for $45. which is good, because normally, they're $15 a pack. and i got more clothes, and it was all good.
must say, am really psyched about spending tomorrow with my friends. seeing how i will be going to the dreaded dutchtown school next year, not wonderful stockbridge, and will never be seeing them within school walls again. which really sucks, and makes me really sad. so i will change the topic to...
sorry, can't think of anything happy anymore.
and the best part is, they shouldn't be back for another half hour or so. at least, that's what they said. anyway...
i am to go shopping with her when they gets back (she went with my Papa Dan. he's her boyfriend, not husband). and tomorrow we are to go shopping. for back to school clothes. which is good, considering most of my clothes have been drawn on, which she frowns upon...
she wants me to get my hair cut. to which i say, noooooo. i haven't had a haircut in a year. she hates that it's so long. she wishes it to be shoulder length. to which, again, i say nooooooo.
oh, it's chris's birthday! he's 21. his plans for today were to get his license renewed, and that's it. but guess what. the DMV is closed on mondays. heh heh heh. so when i get back, i get cheesecake. mmmmmm.
oh, the horror
OH GOD, NOOOOO! somehow, "love is in the air" got put onto my playlist. oh, the horror. why, God, why?!? luckily, i turned it to the macarana. such a funny song...
i am just killing time until wednesday, when me, gracie, and kaby are going to the best pizza place ever, Partner's Pizza. and where we will also go to see the dollar movie. and it will be fun, and there will be moo points, and golf cart riding, and i'm so happy just thinking about it.
on a more serious (sorta) note, i could not force myself to watch celebrity poker last night. i mean, good grief. that one guy, Penn I think, just wouldn't shutup. i wanted to strangle him for the 2 minutes i actually watched. but alas, he hath spoilt it.
MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Wayne's World. i mean, you just can't get much better. "if she were a president, she'd be Babe-raham Lincoln." mike myers, dana carvey, some asian looking girl, the guy that plays al bundy... you just can't go wrong.