
dalai vs. nixon: the great battle

most of you who have read my blog in the past know that i prefer the great richard nixon to the stinky dalai lama. but many of you do not know or understand my reasonings. let me give them to you:

nixon was a fantasmic president. he kept the peace for the most part, and only had the one major scandal in his career, which most people don't even know about. many people think that bill clinton had a greater scandal, because nixon's scandal wasn't even that bad, if you think about it. at least nixon had the decency to do whatever it was in a hotel, unlike clinton. but anyway, that is not why he is great, (and he didn't do what clinton did either, i'm just saying that because the reference is so easy to make). i realize that by now i am making no sense and just typing BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT. let me continue.

the dalai lama... what did he do? that's right. absolutely nothing. he wants peace, sure. how do we really know this? his last name is lama, for goodness sakes' and we all know that lamas aren't to be trusted. and the dalai lama doesn't represent the american dream people, so quit worshipping him. i mean, the man's only what some would call a deity, but nevermind that.

i feel like i'm about to throw up. why? because of the fact that i just wasted all of this time posting about something i'm just saying to be argumentative? no. because i ate breakfast from mcdonald's. i really don't know what america or any other country sees in that place. but every time i go there, i think, "hmm, maybe it will be better this time." and every time it tastes like greasy shirt covered in nasty. and now i am feeling vomitlicious.

oooh!! i almost forgot. me and grandbee went shopping yesterday and the highlights of this trip are purple knee high boots and a black velvet skirt!! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!? PURPLE BOOTS AND A BLACK VELVET SKIRT!!! oh yes, oh yes, this is the clothing that i can tolerate. of course, i was forced to buy a light pink sweater that i supposedly look okay in, but that was my grandmother's doing. so HA, on you stein mart, with your weird looking clothes and overpriced sweaters! i found the perfectness amongst your trashy rags! muhuhahahah!~

1 comment:

C.K. said...

Ugh! I hate McDonald's! But, I am foced to eat there at least once every 2 weeks, since my parents can't really tolerate it either. but mcdonald's is cheap, and that is good when you have 5 kids... *sigh*