

well, i am now officially back. the guy who fixed our computer, who is joey's friend so we paid him way less than we could have ended up doing, is awesome. khanh, the guy in question, is just so cool. i couldn't have asked for a better computer. well, i could have, but this one is pretty wicked...

anyway. tomorrow i am going to kirstie's house. it's amazing how you can know a person your whole life and never have been to there house. apparantly, they have a pool and they just redecorated. and joey needs to get some driving experience before he can get his liscence, so he's driving me and chris. yep, joey will be at the wheel. the boy who nearly got into a fight over a seat on the bus that turned into a racial thing. and me nearly getting into a fight because some guy can wear a shirt that has bob marley on the front smoking a joint, but i can't wear a shirt that say "the leprechauns are after my stash." argh.

anyway, i'm really excited. i got kirstie the movie clueless. i hope she likes it. i mean, if she doesn't, that's fine, because i'll just throw a hissy fit and end up getting it myself. but i really tried to look for something for her, and that's all i could find. i'm throwing in some of my dad's earrings (he sells them, doesn't wear them...although, he does wear a night "shirt"... i've pointed out that shirts don't go all the way to the ankles, but i am ignored). and i'm throwing in some weird face mask thingys. i can't use them, because the gunk gets in my hair, and then my hair starts smelling, and it's too much hassle.

on to another topic. it's really weird now. i start thinking about my friends at stockbridge, and i think, i hope they miss me, and i find out i do, and i'm sad for them, and angry, because they shouldn't have to miss me. we should sue dutchtown for putting me through this crap. or for not having an academic team, which will possibly obstruct my chances of getting into a dream college. argh, the apathy i hold in my heart for them is never ending.

i once knew a man who was killed because he used hefty bags. the man who killed him put his body in a gladd bag. i respect a man who stands firmly behind his product...

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