
humor tumors

my head hurts. i think i may have a humor tumor. when mentioning this to my friend, gracias, she said that would be horrible. i dont think so there are the pros, such as, people will always have to be nice to me. i can stay up as late as i want because i will have to do nothing the next day unless i want to. i might get free dinners/ and or movie passes. then of course, death would be a big con. but movie passes are a good deal. i will look into the humor tumors...

i think my head might hurt because i was sniffing the glue in the art room. freaking papier mache projects, not giving me ample time to enjoy the smell of glue. and for those readers of my blog who are not in school, bite me. you had to go through it too, and now you have to go to work, so i dont wanna hear how much school sucks. i already know, thanks. and i'm sure you don't wanna hear about how much school sucks, because you've already been through it. but it's MY blog, and i don't care about demographics, thank you very much (-o mr. roboto).
i hope my brain pains go away soon, or i will go pull a lizzy borden and kill my parents, but there will be no substantial proof, so i will get away with it. but i won't pull an o.j. and get away with it because i've got money, no sirree. i'm poorer than farmers on green acres. except, since they're paid actors, they're probly richer than me.... but anyway, this just increases the size of my humor tumor...

and i think i'm going crazy, because i see something move and then it's not moving when i look directly at it... i must look into the signs of schizophrenia to see if i have this as well..


C.K. said...

I don't want to sound stupid, but what's a humor tumor? does it have anything to do with your funny bone or something? I'm sorry, I do sound stupid, but I don't care what you [the world] thinks, I just want to know.

hillary said...

there is nothing funny about your funny bone. it hurts when you hit it. there is nothing humoruous about a tumor. so you say humor tumor....

and you don't look stupid.