
A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

so, do you like my new look? i decided to go through my teenage crisis while i still had time. actually, kaby was gonna rock my site, but she screwed it up instead, and she suggested i just try a new template. very nice of her, DON"T YOU THINK?!?
do you like the quote at the top. that's from good ole keiya. yep yep, she can get a friend fixed up in no time.
any who. my mom called for legal advice about the school thing, because apparently my new school has none of the academic things that i had last year, which may obstruct my chances of getting into a good college. he said we had probably cause for legal action. it's very confuzzling. i'm not sure which plan of action we will take yet. there is another option, one which i can't discuss, but it's a viable one, yes indeed.

i have no one to talk to anymore. i can no longer have my adult-like semi conversations with simone, for she is on her anniversary with her husband (because she is not a teenager like the rest of us). and gracie and jw never get on any more, and i miss the both of them. kaby is the only one i can really talk to, but i'm mad at her for SCREWING UP MY TEMPLATE!!! argh.

oh my gosh, didja didja didja know that mason has a crush on me?!? like, wow?!? except, um, not really. i dont know the guy, the guy don't know me, and yeah, he laughs at my shirts, but that's the only interaction i get with him, and i don't think he's just staring at the words, okay. and people thought i'd be all excited because he gave me the time of day. curses on them. but i do admit, it is an ego booster...

heh heh heh. being a female rocks. love you guys!!!

oh, i almost forgot. i saw the walking man again the other day, when we went to eat at ihop. it's so sad thinking of that man.


C.K. said...

Well, hey, a good thing came out of my screwing it up, didn't it?
And I'm really happy that your happy and even happier that you might get to go to SMS to finish out the school year!!!!
(I really miss ya!)

Simone said...

oh no-not that walking man again. Now I'm sad :(

Good luck w/ that school stuff. Ur new school sounds crappy. Talked to anyone yet?

hillary said...

nope. thanks for asking, though