
gone with the floor

our house is falling apart. the floor next to the bathtub is nearly completely gone. and my mom felt it necessary to tell me what to do if i happen to fall through the bathtub, so now i can't stop thinking about death in a nasty, grimy, white porcelain bathtub that people bathe in. i had a nightmare about it last night, but i won't get into that right now...

for those of you who do not know, my family is poor. really really. my dad's car works everytime a woman wins the lottery for over $25 (which is a weird analogy indeed, but it works that often). most of you know that my dad is a pizza/mail deliveryman. meaning he needs a car. meaning he needs a new car, since his keeps breaking down. meaning we might not have christmas this year. which i'm perfectly fine with. hey, i don't have to keep chance in my room so he doesn't wake up and see you guys setting up the presents? i can just sit here in my room and watch a christmas story for the millionth time? AWESOME! it's just that chance loves christmas, so that would be kind of a bummer.

anyway, i'm rereading gone with the wind. quite possibly my favorite book of all time, mostly because it is all about Georgia, a GA i never (thank God) knew. i wish i had known margaret mitchell though. she seems like she would be a fantastic person to meet. i've read about her, and she was slightly insane when she wrote the book, which would make her even more interesting to me.

ach, my tooth hurts. i think i have a cavity (or 7). but you know what? cavities weren't around when there were no toothbrushes. it is all a sham built by crest and aquafresh and listerine to keep us thinking that our teeth need to be beautiful and white and plaque free. George washington dealt with it, and i will too. unless they say i need wooden dentures. sorry, george, but you were a moron for taking those things. owie...

stupid tooth. the only thing wrong with my day is this stupid tooth. i could kill it, i really could. now if only i knew how to kill a tooth without harming the surrounding ones....


Simone said...

Didn't you see Castaway with Tom Hanks? You can knock it out with a rock. Or use the old' school method and tie a string around it and then to a doorknob and close the door really hard. BAM! Tooth is gone!

Or you could just go to the dentist.

hillary said...

ah, you see i could do those things, if it weren't for the fact that this is an adult tooth.

and i can't go to the dentist, because we don't have the insurance to cover it yet. as i said, we are but poor white southerners. *sighs* i hate stereotypes...

C.K. said...

sterotypes suck

and so do wooden teeth

Simone said...

Would you believe I still have 2 baby teeth? Well, 1. The other fell out a couple of yrs ago. I can't believe no dentist I ever saw mentioned this to me EVER!!