

alright, so i'm still puzzled by everyday items. i thought i knew why i needed to know the slope of a line on a graph in real life, but it must have been the drugs or something, because i no longer know.


sorry about that. but you know what? simon and garfunkel are the indeedness. they sing in harmony man. HAR (as in laugh) MO (as in the disgruntled bartender on the Simpsons) NY (as in the patella). do they make sense? no. do they sound cool? no. its all about the harmony.

oh yes, the aademic meet. twas fun. i love my power rushes when i'm captain and whatnot. of course, as a result, i cant really trust my judgement anymore, and my hands constantly shake, and i am shooting herion into my eyeballs, but you know, you gotta take the good with the bad, even runon sentences...

ah, as you seem to so cleverly notice, oh brilliant reader you, i have a new blog. this blog is special. this blog is the indeedness special. it is the blog with the kaby. oh yes, it is.

see, links are awesome. if only they were easier to put on ...

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