
morbid jokes

alright, let me start this off funny:

why did the puppy eat rat poison?
because he was blind.

why did the man get run over by a bus?
because he was in a wheelchair.

alright, i know those were horrible and in poor taste, but they are hilarious. no, they are hillary-arious. indeed. alright, so since whenever it was i posted, i have been accepted officially on the academic team ( i trounced 'em...sorry kels, but you know it's true...) hmm, let's see... i'm working on a paper about anne frank and genocide, and i'm listening to good music right now. one day, i will post what songs are my absolute favorite, but not right now, because i am tired and have more to right ( or so i think/thought).

i went to group therapy. the other girl was nice. can't tell you anymore, i was sworn to confidentiality. but her and i relate. same problems, so crap. except hers is much worse. anyway...

ahh, soon you will see links added on this blog, because kelsie has saved me yet again. unless, she has made the directions too complicated. i can be as booksmart as the next guy, but i will never understand html. so anything good on this site (other than my superb writing) you can attribute to kelsie.

and, by the way, kelsie is trying to raise money for juvenile diabetes research foundation. if you would like to make a donation (please do, she's got a sob story, and it's really good), please go to jdrf.com. i think that''ll work, but i'm not sure....

i'll give a real site later, but i can't find it right now. but i must leave you (i'll be posting tuesday or after). i would say farewell, but i hate you and hope you die, because either you worship the dalai lama or the cheesasaurus rex. either way, i hate you.

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