
kelsie has doubted my abilites

but i have doubted them also. she says i cannot create links. i cannot create links. simone gave me simple directions, and i could not do it. i am a faulure. but that's just a-ok. you know why?

i was listening to the best christmas song ever earlier. "i'm gettin nuttin for christmas." it is a song about a bad little boy who is getting nothing for christmas (except he says it in cute little children twang, so it's adorable.). then at the end he says

Who's that man with the big bag over his shoulder? It's him! It's him! I thought he wasn't coming this year! *big burly voice of man with bag* "alright kid, where's the silverware?"* in the kitchen.. *"and the furniture?"* same place as last year. join me in the chorus? *" same as last year?"* same as last year. *" okay!"*
oh yes, such a great song that will be forever immortalized by my blog. and, people, i would like to ask a favor, since i am a simple girl who cannot add links. if you have the time or the patience or anything, would you please tell me how to do a link where i can understand it? preferrably give me a template with the links already on it, for i am a lazy cow and i see no error in my ways. if i were to see error in my ways, kelsie will have slapped and or killed me, because not only did i tell her to, but because this would mean the crumbling of her universe. sure, she'd have her family to break the fall, but nothing will take that immortal pain away...

OH NO!!! I JUST GOT BIT BY A BUGGY!!!! HELP ME!!!!!! oh, and sir dr. funkyfish the second says hello to you all. he is alive and swimming....

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