
another brick in the big fat wall

if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

this is what i doodled on the top of a paper i had to turn in in lang. arts. i get it back today,. and shifflet said i quoted it wrong. i only quoted the first part, mind you, and he said i quoted it wrong. I DID NOT QUOTE PINK FLOYD WRONG! silly language arts teacher that frustrate me...

and it's like all of the sudden, the teachers are bent on not letting us enjoy the remainder of the school week. i have to present a report on an extinct animal tomorrow and a test friday in science. i have a test tomorrow and friday in social studies. paper due friday in language arts. test friday WITH DECIMALS AND FRACTIONS. seriously, when am i gonna need to know the function of lines when i am a writer, other than referencing to its uselessness?!?! or even if i'm a lawyer, or a CONTRACTOR, for goodness sakes. i hate school this week.

but i do have something to look forward to. exactly one week from tomorrow is thanksgiving. which mean, delicious food. oh yes, delicious food indeed. my mouth is watering.

yesterday in science, a girl haliegh was in the room with me, gracie, r.j, jessie, and ashley while we were working on our projects when the rest of the class was in the media center. i started making fun of my weight. she asked if my weight bothered me. my answer.

not really. i mean, yeah, i wish i looked better in clothes and such, but come on. i can't complain about something i do not aim to fix. if i worried that much about my wieght, i would start exercising and eating right. but i like being lazy and reading books and eating as much food as i want. seriously, us fat people get all of the perks.

except for tom arnold and roseanne barr. but we just captured kirstie alley, so HA!