
phone calls and obsessions

my mom has no time to watch tv shows during the middle of the week. so she records them, and tries to watch them on the weekend. the funny thing is, the phone rings every five seconds. it's kinda funny to sit in the gold room and hear her mumbling to herself when she has to pause the video and answer the phone. or when us *kids* stomp through the living room. it's funny. i laugh like chris when he was watching maid in manhattan, which is underrated.

today i looked around my room and realized how obsessed i can be. think about it: i have a healthy collection of bouncy balls, foil, spatulas, pillows, hair scrunchies, and rocks/marbles. and pictures, obviously. i love pictures....

it is great hanging out with kirstie sometimes. we get bored all of the time, because there is absolutely nothing to do until 10 minutes before she has to go. like, today, we made up a massive hopskotch game. i haven't played that game since i was 5. but we made a billion twists and turns up and down the street. it was awesome. my fastest time for the short one was 10 seconds, and the long one was 1 minute, 32 seconds, just in case you would like to know this...

i am waiting for desparate housewives to come on. i don't care that it's the most sexual show on right now. please, it's me. but i like the fact that the narrator killed herself. suicide is fascinating to me. it reminds me of the term barbed velvet. for them, i mean, it's gotta be. but anyway, let's move on from my obsessions, which includes my blog, i guess...

my friend, kelsie (www.kabys_blog.blogspot.com) is scaring me. she is saying it was her fault that her dad's bmw broke down because she thought it. i agree with her. now she knows the telepathic powers she possesses. be afraid. be very afraid...


C.K. said...

*grins* sometimes I scare me too. Like how I guessed when mom & dad came back from their cruise (they won @ church, for those of you who didn't hear this story) mom would become pregant and have a baby. That, though, was common sense.

hillary said...

i laugh....

and i am hoping that you didn't really think that, it was more like, hey, they have a chance to get pregnant and i might be gettin a new brother or sister. wouldn't that be weird?