

this post will be short, to inform you of my new blog changes, because they are more awesome than ever. oh yeah, oh yeah.

everyone needs to go to quizilla.com. so far, i am skittles, the greek god hectate, antisocial, and the swear word "dumba**". it is an awesome site, let me tell you.

hopefully, tomorrow i won't be posting, because i will be at my friends house and we will be spending the night, because we are going to the stockbridge/dutchtown softball game so i can see my favorite teacher and whatnot.

little moments in life keep you alive. life keeps you alive for its little moments...


Simone said...

I LOVE your new blog template. It rocks!

C.K. said...

I love it too!

C.K. said...

Sadly, Hillary's computer isn't working properly right now. I hope you get that fixed soon!

hillary said...

greast green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey feet, rusty tusty parakeet, great big eyeballs swimming in a pool of blood, oops, i forgot my spoon!

but i've got a straw!!!!