

Romeo and Juliet did not win in rhe end. The fact that they both killed themselves over eachother is proof enough. Though the feud between their families ceased in light of the tragedy, this did not really help either one of the dead ones. it is said that true love conquers all, even death, but what Romeo and Juliet had was hardly true love. It was more akin to teenage lust. The only thing Romeo and Juliet won was an all-expense paid trip to hell for the heinous way they acted.

Maybe this needs a little revising before I turn it in....


C.K. said...

You suck

when you go down there, you know, after YOU die, ask around, maybe they'll know if R&J belong in hell

since they're not real

hillary said...

then why are YOU getting so bent out of shape about it?

and would you really wish hell on me? that's a little harsh. then again, since it's coming from your whore mouth.

C.K. said...

i was just kiddin bout that part

for the most part, you're a good person