
i've actually forgotten what hidden hostility felt like...

I really have. For the past year, if I didn't like someone, I told them. If they annoyed me, they knew it. I made it a point to let them know they were doing something that irked me. But I can't do it anymore. Two people. Two people have continuously gotten on my nerves these past few weeks, and I haven't said one word.

See, I think it's better the other way. The other way, I let them know they annoy me and we put it behind us. No more of me being bothered by there gum-popping/excessive borrowing of the things/copying homework daily. But now, it just builds up to where I can barely stand them. But I like these people. I actually care if I'm being mean to them. Maybe I'm being condescending, thinking they can't handle my honesty. Just thinking about it pisses me off. It hasn't been my day, really. This is the part where I bitch about it, but I just...won't. I will tell you that I swept a lot. And got to listen to music (3 whole cds). And my scalp itches like crazy. And now I can't sleep because of the red bull. Yeah. I wish I were more eloquent. Sometimes. Maybe. Perhaps. yeah.

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