
for simone

it makes me sad. I actually started looking through a Bible a little while ago, trying to comfort myself. Here's what i come up with:

I feel terrible, and I feel so, immensely, sad for you.
I'm certainly going to pray, which is not something I do lightly.
I'm sorry if this is offending you, but I don't know you, nor do I ever really speak to you, so this is the only way to actually convey my feelings.
You are kickass. I compared you to Buffy because Buffy is in fact, kick ass. Wasn't trying to make fun or anything.
I know that you're loved, and that you'll be taken care of.
I wish that everything would go fantastic for you.
I'm sorry that I can't do more.


1 comment:

Simone said...

Wow. That was really, really nice. Means a lot to me. Thank you so much.

And wow, comparing me to Buffy (my idol), that's huge :)