
I think you'll find that the horse ate your cheese plate.

--tomorrow is our permanent address

and there they'll scarcely find us(if they do,
we'll move away still further:into now

I thought that was a pretty cool quote. As far as quotes go, I mean.
I don't know how this post will turn out, since my computer's being a whore.
Tizzle. Rizzle. Fo' shizzle. Yeah. That's nice.
I'm going to see She's The Man again. Not only because I liked it, but because
it's the only movie my grandmother wants to see, and I want to spend the day with her.
I feel bad, because I don't want to spend the night there. Sure, I want to drive her
golf cart around, but that does not constitute love. Or does it? Hmm. Ramblings. Fun
thing to do. Even funner than....hang gliding. Sure. Of course it is, didn't you know?
I've been reading Jane Eyre for school. I'm not that far into it yet. Pretty decent.
It took me a while to get myself past the first page, but once I did, I was happy
with it. Not as bad as some would have me believe.

Ok. Well. That's pretty much it. Except for my new shoes. But I'm thinking
that that's a post for another day. A whole day dedicated to my beautiful, creamy,
soft, Indian slides. Damn, I spoiled it for you...

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