
is his ice colder than my ice?

Ech. I feel sick. I was just talking to Kelsie when I felt nauseous. But I feel better now. I guess it was the fried mushrooms. Ech.

So I have nothing to read. Again. And I was just told that Lent doesn't end until NEXT Sunday, which I kind of figured, but still didn't want to believe (me not being Catholic but observing some strange form of Lent anyway, I wasn't entirely sure.) Now I'm talking to someone I barely know, even if she is piMP. But since she barely knows me, she doesn't talk all that much. My arms are tired, my back hurts from falling, my fingers hurt from bowling, and my head hurts from thinking. All in all, I think I'll be going back to school the way any person should after a fantasmic spring break. Maybe. I don't know. All I know is I'm bored and tired and probably making up bullshit so I stay awake. Perhaps.

Ok. Yeah, I'm gonna go to sleep. Just after I kill the penguin...heeheehee.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

Owch. Falling hurts.