
plain janes

I have read so much in one day that I think I have used up my capabilities for a lifetime. As a matter of fact, from the moment I woke up until now, that has been my occupation: reading.

So I have the choice: Jane Eyre or Great Expectations. Since I really have no preference, I decide to go with whatever my friends are reading. Jane Eyre it is. The rest of this post will subsequently spoil this book (Gracie and Kelsie...and anyone else affixed with Charlotte Bronte) because I just finished it not 10 minutes ago after reading all day.

Alright. It starts off well enough. Little abused girl gets sent to a cracked out orphanage with one good confidant and one warm and charming teacher. Moves on to become a governess for Adele, the French ward of a Mr. Rochester, who I think is probably good looking in that overly good looking way. And, you know, moody as hell. (Seriously, I'm about to give away the whole book, but I can't help myself, so don't read.) Probably because he's got a freaking wife locked up in the attic. And ok, this part wasn't news to me. I read a book a while back that talked about Jane Eye and all of its complications. But come on. WHY would he do that? Makes no sense. And the cousin that wants to marry her? What the goodness gracious was up his ass? And yeah, I know that this was probably common enough back then, but, um, hello?! This man was her cousin/surrogate brother. Ew, alright. Ew.

And with that I leave to go do the things I meant to do today that I put off to read this strange but magnetic book (because even though parts puzzled me greatly, I couldn't put it down.) I can't believe spring break is ending. It sucks. And that's it.

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