

was soo much fun.

We celebrated K's birthday pretty awesomely. We did the best thing we could think of.

We saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

"But Hillary, haven't you already seen that movie?"

Yes. Yes I have. But this time, I laughed at parts I didn't laugh at before. I got angrier. I got sadder. I felt victory and loss when I saw the people who died in the last books. But I laughed when I shouldn't have laughed some times, causing the person in front of me who was blinding me with her cell phone screen to turn around and look at ME (yeah, way to go there, blinding-cell-phone-lady) and Gracie to be like what the heck are you doing?
But seriously. "Give me the prophecy or you get to watch your friends die." *balancing scales gesture* Friends...prophecy...friends...prophecy. And I still love when HP gets all possessed like, because he's evil (and I laughed then, too, because it shows Voldy's head in a hoodie and jeans). When I get that movie, that's going to be the part I watch over and over again.

Anyway. Then we went back to the clubhouse and went swimming (since we had already gone before the movie and eaten lunch, then to Barnes and Noble to look at "bargain" books, then to the movie). The pool was warm, and once we got wrinkly, we got out and stayed out for probably an hour (because it was honestly cooler outside than in). Then we came back to my house, where we watched the Potter Puppet Pals theater stuff (which was hilarious, and I had been singing it all day).
And then me and dad got our butts kicked at Spades.

Ah. Not being around both friends all the time makes me forget how wonderful it is when we're all together, just talking.

Now that her birthday's over...
time to start planning mine. Muhuhahaha!


C.K. said...

I had SOO much fun!!! I heart you! And the CDs are AWESOME! I listened to them while I made my cake. Yay!!! And you were acting all "All I have for you is a poster," you sure showed me :)
And I showed Katie Maggie and James the puppet thing. It took a while, but after it loaded, they LOVED it, and they keep singing it, and then we all start singing it. And Adam loved the part where dumbledore got naked.

So yeah, I had a awesome party. You better think of something good to top that :)

C.K. said...

and what was that thing about keiya about?
what class was that? english? spanish? It sounds hilarious though. :)

hillary said...

I tried.

Ha, that's adorable. Though a little strange about the Nekkid Dumbledore thing.

Actually, she wrote it in APUSH. It was pretty funny.