

is really my favorite season. I was thinking about that earlier, because my nose is all clogged up. I think staying in Kelsie's dusty basement gave me a sinus infection. Gah.

Anyway. Normally, I'm stuffy like this when it's cold out. And my mom's like, premeno, so the house is FREEZING. I just stood up once to go get more tissue, and I thought about how I like feeling sick when it's cold. I like EVERYTHING when it's cold. Because there's always a way to make something better. You can always find a way to get warm, and at least one of your problems is solved. If you just got robbed, and it's cold, grab a blanket, it won't seem so bad. Bloody nose? A jacket my help put things in perspective.

I think it's the Nyquil talking. Crazy Nyquil. Sure, it'll make me spout crazy things, but it won't enable me to finish my homework, including but not limited to a Chem lab that didn't finish, a Socratic Seminar on The Scarlet Letter, and reading Chapter Two in my APUSH book. Oh yeah. Thanks bunches, Nyquil.

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