
hey big spender

So I don't know if I mentioned the mom probably losing her job, thing, but we're supposed to be cutting back. My family's never been one for family meals, although we do sit down for the occasional spaghetti dinner. But that's always been about it. Other than that, our dad's bought individual meals for us all. Tomato soup for me, french bread pizza for my mom, so on and so on. Mis padres have never really been good at feeding us as a unit. And they need to, because if they're really going to stick to this no eating out rule, they're going to have to get more than two or three meals per person, and start making family meals.

That, and I have horrible spending habits myself. I feel guilty spending the money, but later on, I'm glad I did, because I get to read/watch a new movie/ have new clothes. Now, okay, that makes me sound shallow. But I only do the grab-and-buy thing at places like Goodwill or Dollar General. Mostly. And I need to stop that, too.

It's just...when things got really bad before, we didn't make life changes. I mean, we moved, but it was just next door. We just stayed in even more (ha!). But now...there's going to be some huge changes, mostly (and hopefully) for my mom.

Goodbye Lucky Charms, hello Marshmallow Flakes.

**Speaking of which, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a really really good movie. I suggest you check it out. Robert Downey Jr. Mmmm.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

I don't know about marshmallow flakes, but I do know that Kroger's lucky charms off-brand is pretty good. and their toaster pastries. yummy.