

would be incredibly strange.

I don't think I'd be able to last the span of an engagement. Or, rather, I think it'd be disappointing to wait and wait and wait to be married, knowing that it's going to happen but not doing it, and then have the Big Day arrive and it be less than you thought it would. Wouldn't it be romantic (yes, I said romantic) if you just woke up one day, knew that you wanted to be married, and said, "Hey, let's get married." I think that would be wonderful. And I don't understand why women don't take their husbands' last names. I mean, I understand the reason, sure. But I don't see why anyway. "I don't want to lose my identity." That's not what it's about. It's more about melding and devotion.

I don't know. Maybe it's because (shocker) I've never been married. Or "in love." And maybe my belief on the subject will make it difficult (if not impossible) for this to ever happen.

But it'd work in a novel, now, wouldn't it?


C.K. said...

that is TOTALLY what my parents said I should do.

And even though I wouldn't admit it, I think it would be really cool, if one day my sig. other and I decided, "it's time"

Of course, we'd have a hard time booking a church less than a day in advance, but if it could work, then I think that would be an awesome day, and an awesome story to tell the grandkids.

like my surprise party. about noon, mom said "hey, wouldn't it be nice and everyone was there when kelsie got home from school? kind of like when everybody showed up at the hospital even though she wasn't due for another week or so?"

and it turned out really cool.

Simone said...

Bah-take his name. So old fashioned! Well, for me at least. I like my name. It's MY name. Why should I take his? Why doesn't he take mine? It's all kinda unfair I think.