

It seems like so long since I last sat and wrote for this blog. Battles have been fought, wars have been waged, tests have been given.

Ah. This school year is shaping up to be pretty horrible. They administration has decided to implement their own, made up rules that all of my friends are rebelling against. They want boys to tuck their shirts into their pants. And the boys refuse. Or they find ways around it. Like putting their hands in their pants, too. Or wearing hoodies (which you wouldn't think admin would mind, because it's about two degrees inside even though it's 100 outside, but they got onto people today. Losers). It frustrates me on both sides. On the one hand, the only reason this rule is even being carried out is because it makes it seem like admin is doing something in response to the shooting last June. But it's really doing nothing, because if someone wants to bring weapons to school, they might not tuck it into their wastebands. Shocker, I know. And my friends make me angry, because by them rebelling, it's causing admin to take out time out of, I don't know, improving the school, to write up people breaking the made up rules.

And I think it's all arbitrary, and it shouldn't even be a rule. We should just get metal detectors and get it over with. And there are the people that think admin did this just to mess with us, but I know that that can't be true. He did it to look good. Although, his rules this week have seemed a little...oppressive? You must stay to the right when walking down the hallways, get in the least crowded lunch line, enter through this way, exit through that way, no crossing this crosshall, only five minutes between classes (with no warning bells), no hugging people for five minutes (which I don't think they really mean...I think they mean something entirely opposite than hugging, they just don't want to say it).

My classes are okay so far, except for trig. The teacher is an evil spawn who has hairy arms and doesn't wear shoes in class. She'll say stuff super fast, then ask if we got it (and she only listens to the one guy in front, who doesn't really get it, who's just agreeing with her to get her to shut up, so the rest of us are completely lost). They don't believe me that last year's teacher was actually better than this teacher, because even though W sucked, she at least gave concrete examples that we could take home and reference, even if they were sometimes wrong. They were better than nothing, which is what we get now.

I can't understand two of my teachers. But I like most of them. And next week I start writer's workshop, so that should be fun. Yesterday was Kelsie's birthday, and her mom called me and Gracie over with a bunch of family to give her a surprise party. It was pretty fun. Kelsie's cousins chased us (mainly James, aka Voldemort) around. It was really cool, and I didn't want to leave, because I missed Kelsie. I hate that she's going to a new school. But I'm also jealous because it's a hella better school.

So that's been my week. It's taken me this long because I've had homework and have been going to bed at 9 every night. Ugh.

Pleasant beings.

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