

I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Not in a weird, suicidal way. In the natural way that people should be curious.

There are so many theories about what happens after we die. Are we reborn? Do we ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven? Do we descend to the Kingdom of Hell? Are we, like the Jehovah's Witnesses believe, picked out of a line and doomed to spend the rest of eternity in our graves (which, I would think, would lead to the tombstone-being-you thing I was talking about). But there are more, so many more.

I don't know if I mentioned the book I read a while ago, called Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin (you should definitely check it out). It proposes that once we die, we take a journey to another place where we become younger each year until we become babies again, and are shipped back to Earth. I don't actually like that theory at all. De-age? You become younger, but each year, your wiser. It goes against the natural order.

There's also The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom, which basically says that when you die, you meet five people in heaven that impacted your life in ways you never understood. YOU understand why for everything you every wanted to know.

Then there's the whole matter of vampires: dying, but still living. I like the idea of vampires, I think, but I really hate the idea that they actually live. I don't know if that makes sense.

But in this past little while, where I've actually hurt people because of what I believe, and die hard Christians like my father and (though she hasn't said it) probably my best friend actually believe I am going to hell, I've come up with my own ideas. It's basically a mix of a lot of ideas. But, I think, when we die, our souls go to a place where everything is explained to you. You can look down on those you love. But really, it's like the life flashing before your eyes bit. You see it all in an instant. Then your soul move on.

So that's my intense thought of the day.

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