

Monday: Helped Standiford move her stuff outta the school. Had pizza, talked to Ms. Mitchell (who told me about the OTHER novel that I have to read for Creative Writing). Went to Standi's house, her pool, came home with her old coffee maker. Nice.

Tuesday: Whitewater. My dad busted his knee and I had my period, so I wasn't really grooving it and we went home early. Chance stayed with Bee, though, so that was cool.

Wednesday: Student Council Meeting. Decorated the display cases and discussed more than t-shirts. Came home and watched Judging Amy.

Thursday (Today): Went to Open House. As per discussion on Wed., had to wear white shirt and black pants. Why? Because SC trolled the school the whole time, asking people if they needed help finding stuff and answering weird questions. My feet have blisters, I trolled that school so hard. But, during that time, I got my schedule and met most of my teachers. AP English teacher didn't seem surprised that I hadn't done my work. But Spanish III teacher decided to talk to me in Spanish. Who'da thunk, right? Gracie's schedule was totally messed up. So many conflicts! I feel sorry for her. And they didn't put down that I had Creative Writing, so I talked to Ms. Mitchell about that and she said she'd sort it out. That's actually the only thing I'm looking forward to.

I. Am. So. Tired.

And I still have to hang out with my mom, because it's her birthday and all.



Simone said...

um, just curious-why not use a tampon? They aint that bad, really. Makes life SO much easier. Sorry it wasn't all you hoped it would be. :-(

hillary said...

I'm allergic to most of the tampons I've used. I don't know why.

Simone said...

ugh, that sucks. Damn, this convo is pretty TMI lol