

Yesterday me, G, and K volunteered at the school, putting together the emergency plans and bags. We had to bend out heads a lot and there was a lot of moving just the arms. So today I woke up with my neck cramped and my arm killing me. Agh.

Last night I swore to myself that today I would do my reading work. I would read the book, do the work that goes with it, and finish my other book's work. And I sat down. And I opened the book. And it took me an hour and a half to read the first two chapters and do the assignment. So since that didn't work, I decided to just read straight on through and do my work later, even though she advised against it. Something is better than nothing anyway, so whatever. So I layed down and tried to read....until I fell asleep. Until 3:30. So I gave up and hung out with my family, who were all home since my mom had a Dr.'s appt. Fun. Then I made ChefBoyardee pizza and burnt the crust because I'm a horrible cook as it turns out. I used to think I'd love to be a chef, but past events have led me to believe that that would just not be a good idea.

And now I'm trying to convince Joey to take me with him to see Chris's house, since it's his birthday tomorrow and he's going to bring Chris the cheesecake ANYWAY. I mean, HELLO? Who holds a cheesecake better than me? Nobody, that's who. And Chris is saying that if he's in town, he'll pick up HP7 as long as he gets to read it first, which I wouldn't mind since he reads pretty fast. So yeah.

That's about it. Here's hoping that tomorrow's reading quest is more successful than today's.

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