

Went to the mall today with Kelsie and Gracie. I don't often go to the mall, but when I go with people I like, I always have a good time. On the way there, I put in a Simon and Garfunkel CD and not only did I sing to the music, but I also acted it out. Every word. It was AWESOME. I had so much fun. Then we just went around. I bought Kelsie something for her birthday. Then I bought some nice smelling spray (it's in my room, and I don't remember what it was called, I just know it was nice and fruitylicious). We looked at the prom dresses that were on sale. I think the best place that had them was JC Penny's, but as with most stores in the mall, they didn't have my size. Which sucked, because there were some pretty stores. We also looked in Macy's (too expensive..not a sale at all) and Sears (like, three dresses. Horrible.). I hate mall prices.

I think the highlight was when I had an Icee. I LOOOOOVE Icees. They are truly the nectar of the gods, and that's no lie.

At one point I decided I wanted to go down the escalator, then up, then back down. G&K decided that I was crazy on the trip back up, so they didn't come back down, but I didn't go back up. I looked around some stores (Nubian Books, AfroCentro, and a place with a lot of wigs. And FYE, of course), then decided to call Kelsie's cell because I was bored. I LOOOVE escalators. Elevators? Not so much. Especially that little loser one.

4 more days!

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