

That was a wee bit mean.

But at least I got a suntan, so thanks.


okay God

I know it was wrong. And I shouldn't have done it.

But seriously? A week long period? What's that gonna solve?

But okay, I know, you work in mysterious ways.

So I'm going to ask you really, really nicely, to pretty pretty pretty please make this stop before I go to Whitewater tomorrow. Because that would be very very nice of you. And we all know what a nice guy you are. This could be a serious blot on your record, Mr. Man.

Sorry, a little disrespectful. That's my problem, I joke when I should be serious. Like now.

Okay, so again, God, Our Father Who Art In Heaven, Lord...please, make this go away, because I have been looking forward to this since the beginning of summer (even though I've complained about it to various people...I don't know why, that's just my way. And plus, it will be a little lame, having to watch my 8-year old cousin the entire time. But I'm more than willing to put up with that, as you should well know).

I've said my piece.

Thank you,

Hillary M.


chili pie

Today was fun...as fun as it could be, I suppose. Went back to WHS to finish up my damn volunteer hours (BOO-YAH!) with Kelsie and Gracie. Laura showed up some time in there and we got to hang out. We really didn't do much at all. Mostly sat around and waited for them to give us stuff to do while we played card games or whatever. And this time they fed us Sonic's, and got us chili pies, tater tots, and chocolate milkshakes. It was great. And after that...we pretty much talked. It was very nice.

Then me and Gracie left, and since when Kelsie had left earlier she had forgotten something, we drove by her house where we saw her cute little brothers. Adorable. Until Adam started screaming.

It was just...nice, to hang out with these people probably all together for the last time until after school starts back. Ugh.

And my dad won't let me rearrange my room until after I've done my summer work. And I have to rearrange my room before school starts or I'm going to fail. So...agh.


2 more hours

Ugh. I freaking hate busy work. And that's all they give you when you show up to school to "volunteer." You put pamphlets together. Ew.

Thankfully, I've only got two more hours more to volunteer. *Woot!*

Today was fun though. I got to hang out with friends and see the new school. And it was nice. Although I really don't think an elevator is necessary. Hmm.

Then me and Dad took Chance swimming (and I freaking got Swimmer's Ear the first time I went under because Chance pushed me in, loserface), so now my ears hurt.

I've reasoned that it's my parents fault that I haven't done my summer work yet. They've always left it up to me to get my work done. Never have they asked if I've done all of my homework (unless I use it as an excuse to not do something, which doesn't count anyway). And even if they did decide to punish me in some way, they wouldn't enforce it, because they're lazy like that. They know the biggest punishment would be to me, because I'd mess up my GPA, and they're okay with that.


More later.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

was freaking awesome. I loved it. I've read the end a billion times already, starting from Snape's chapter. I LOVED it. I just snuck into Chance's room to read the last little bit, because it is so spectacular. If JK makes another book, I want her to explain los padres de Harry's childhood, because that little taste just made me want more.

And...I totally knew it. All these big mysteries? I had them. Before I read them in Kelsie's book, I had them. Which, on one hand, was totally satisfying, but on the other, kinda made everything anticlimactic. But still...wow.

Ah. If you've finished it, you have GOT to tell me, because I need to talk to someone (other than you, K, because we talked for an hour!)! So get to it, yous lazybones.

I should call Laura tomorrow...


magic marker

Today was interesting. It actually started yesterday, Chris's birthday, when he took me to see Transformers (which was awesome). He started talking to his mom, which swung me an invitation to go see them today when Chris was out there. So that was pretty cool. Right after Chris called this morning and said he was on his way to pick me up, Kelsie called and asked if I would like to spend the night tonight and get HP7, which I had to decline, since I would be in Newnan probably.

So me and Chris drove up to Peachtree City, an hour outside of Newnan, and ate pizza with le grandmother, then drove to Newnan and hung out with his mom, stepdad, Kirstie, Joe, Savannah, and William. It was pretty fun. We swam and watched Top Model and ate cubed steak. Then at about 10, me and Chris left for home. Except, instead of going the backways that take about 2 hours to get home by, he took the expressway and drove like a demon, so I got home at 11. Since I was indeed home in time to go to Kelsie's and the book thing, I bribed Joey into taking me to her house, then her dad took us three to Kroger to get HP7 (except I didn't get it, since we'd already planned on Chris getting it, reading it by tomorrow afternoon, and passing it on to me). And while we were there, Kelsie kinda forgot about the sleepover part she mentioned earlier. She was pretty much counting on staying up and reading HP. So I asked Mr. D to take me home so his daughter wouldn't murder me in the course of the night.

And earlier, when I was at Kirstie's, I got the two books back that I loaned her years ago that she always forgot to bring back. So I read Jinx, waiting to get online and knowing that it was a fairly short book, being written in prose.

And I've pretty much snapped at Joey, Chance, and my mother because I've been up for waaaay too long and in a car for most of that time. I should apologize, but...sleep just sounds so much better.

Until then, I am NOT getting back online until I've read HP7. No spoilers from evil beings on Myspace, Yahoo, Blogger, or IMDb, the only websites I frequent.

Adios, muchachos.



Yesterday me, G, and K volunteered at the school, putting together the emergency plans and bags. We had to bend out heads a lot and there was a lot of moving just the arms. So today I woke up with my neck cramped and my arm killing me. Agh.

Last night I swore to myself that today I would do my reading work. I would read the book, do the work that goes with it, and finish my other book's work. And I sat down. And I opened the book. And it took me an hour and a half to read the first two chapters and do the assignment. So since that didn't work, I decided to just read straight on through and do my work later, even though she advised against it. Something is better than nothing anyway, so whatever. So I layed down and tried to read....until I fell asleep. Until 3:30. So I gave up and hung out with my family, who were all home since my mom had a Dr.'s appt. Fun. Then I made ChefBoyardee pizza and burnt the crust because I'm a horrible cook as it turns out. I used to think I'd love to be a chef, but past events have led me to believe that that would just not be a good idea.

And now I'm trying to convince Joey to take me with him to see Chris's house, since it's his birthday tomorrow and he's going to bring Chris the cheesecake ANYWAY. I mean, HELLO? Who holds a cheesecake better than me? Nobody, that's who. And Chris is saying that if he's in town, he'll pick up HP7 as long as he gets to read it first, which I wouldn't mind since he reads pretty fast. So yeah.

That's about it. Here's hoping that tomorrow's reading quest is more successful than today's.



^Easter eggs. Anyway.

So today, in a fit of frenzy, I caught up on my Spanish journal. I'm fairly certain that the only grade I'll be getting is for completion because of all of the mistakes that I know I'm making, but whatever. At least I'll get that. I also called the elementary, middle, and high school to see if I could volunteer. Only the high school said yes, which sucks because I was kinda hoping the middle school would so we could see some old teachers. But no biggy.

I've GOT to ask Mrs. Bice to make sure that I'm in the right science class. If I get my schedule in two weeks and it says that I'm in Biology still, I'll kill someone. Which reminds me: I still have to return the Bio book and wkbk I got. But whatever.

There's nothing to eat here that you don't have to cook. So I tried to make corncakes. I heated up the skillet and sprayed Pam. Mistake number one. I should have used butter. I started to mix up the cornbread mix and once I got that together, I looked over at the skillet and saw that the Pam had burnt to the skillet. Ay. So I thought, "It'll still work because when I put water on it it instantly evaporated." So I put a little pancake portion on there. Mistake number two. It immediately started smoking. But I said to myself, "Maybe that's normal." So I kept it on there. Number three. Then I put another one on there. They both burnt to a crisp. So since that was a bust, I decided to use the batter and turn it into muffins. Technically, cupcakes, since I put cupcake holders in there for easy cleanup later. Mistake number four. I also decided to make some chocolate muffins with it. Which ended up tasting like corn. And the corn muffins? They wouldn't come out of the cupcake holders. So I had to scoop out the insides to get any corn muffiny goodness.

Damn you IHOP. Why can't you just sell me some damn corn cakes anymore!


oh man

I'm starting to feel it. That feeling I get towards the end of the summer where I realize that I haven't done what I NEED to do, haven't completed my summer work or gone school shopping or volunteered for Beta. It started a little while ago when Bawo called me and basically made me feel like a retard for not doing my work. So now I've got this anxiety fever. Like, "Okay Hillary, you are DEFINATELY pushing it. You need to get this done." And every day I don't do it (and trust me, it probably really won't get done until a day or two before school), I'll feel even worse. My gut is wrenching. My head is hurting. Heart pounding.

And I realize that I love it.



harry potter 5

**Okay. I'm about to talk about HP5. I don't think I actually give anything away. It's mostly opinions. But you might not want to read it. Fair warning.

My dad went and bought the tickets this morning, which was very lucky, seeing as how when we got there, the line to get in the theater went AROUND the building. Actually, we weren't standing in line too long, which was nice. Chris made some friends, theorizing about the awkward romance scenes in the other movies. I saw some people I knew. Pretty cool.

So I just got back from seeing HP5. And...it was an excellent movie! I LOVED it. Yeah, they changed a LOT. They left out some of my favorite parts. Which makes it a bad interpretation of the book, I'm sorry to say. But since the first one, I've pretty much expected nothing but horrible book-movies but wonderful movie-movies. The special effects were AMAZING, I thought. These new characters? Luna, Bellatrix, Umbridge? They were all exactly how I imagined them. Even better (or worse, in the case of Bellatrix and Umbridge, which is a very good thing).

They left a lot out. Like I realized when I watched the third movie the other day with my dad, who'd never read the book, they really don't explain a whole hell of a lot. You might be able to piece it together if you hadn't read the book, but it'd be a lot easier. Outside the theater they were selling little HP books and trinkets. Wonderful idea.

They also changed it from the other movies. Like the dementors. And the head in the fire thing. ALL letters talking instead of just the angry ones. I actually liked these changes. And the little scenes where Harry was having his nightmares and he kept grunting...what was that all about? They intentionally made this movie dark and scary. For a second, I really was legitimately terrified. Very fun.

And the best part is that I went to see it with my brother, who loves to theorize about what will happen in the next book. I can't help it: I'm a nerd. I can't wait for the book, now. Only...let's see, 10 days or so! That's amazing. I've never thought of it like that. Ha! Can't wait!

Okay. Nerd over and out.



Went to the mall today with Kelsie and Gracie. I don't often go to the mall, but when I go with people I like, I always have a good time. On the way there, I put in a Simon and Garfunkel CD and not only did I sing to the music, but I also acted it out. Every word. It was AWESOME. I had so much fun. Then we just went around. I bought Kelsie something for her birthday. Then I bought some nice smelling spray (it's in my room, and I don't remember what it was called, I just know it was nice and fruitylicious). We looked at the prom dresses that were on sale. I think the best place that had them was JC Penny's, but as with most stores in the mall, they didn't have my size. Which sucked, because there were some pretty stores. We also looked in Macy's (too expensive..not a sale at all) and Sears (like, three dresses. Horrible.). I hate mall prices.

I think the highlight was when I had an Icee. I LOOOOOVE Icees. They are truly the nectar of the gods, and that's no lie.

At one point I decided I wanted to go down the escalator, then up, then back down. G&K decided that I was crazy on the trip back up, so they didn't come back down, but I didn't go back up. I looked around some stores (Nubian Books, AfroCentro, and a place with a lot of wigs. And FYE, of course), then decided to call Kelsie's cell because I was bored. I LOOOVE escalators. Elevators? Not so much. Especially that little loser one.

4 more days!



So it's totally already July 5. How crazy is that? I almost didn't realize when it was July Eve. That would've been bad. I've got my little rituals, you know.

I just ate some hot dogs. Pretty gross. But I loved them while I was eating them, so...yep.

Saw the fireworks. Wonderful. As always. Lucy was cute. Except when her dad let her drive the golf cart. Running into bushes is not cute. Especially not after about 8 times.

I'm so excited about Harry Potter. I hope we get to go Tuesday night. How awesome will that be? Ah, I just want to get on the phone and talk to Gracie and Kelsie and finalize these gosh darn plans! It's frustrating, not knowing. And then there's the book. Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot wait. Who's going to die? They say it's two people. TWO. That's double what there's been in the other books. Think about that one. Ahh, I can't wait.

Okay, I'm inducing mania upon myself. I should stop now.
