
i'm glad

I do have the friends and family that I have. They made me see the humor in today's events when I was so angry I was on the verge of tears (shutup...that's just what I do).

I'm not even going to post about how long it took for them to interview me at science fair. It was a big deal at the time because that's just what it was: I thought they weren't going to interview me after I'd been there for three hours, and I would have hit someone in the face.

Then there's The Girl.

The Bitch Girl.

Who acts like she doesn't care what other people think.
But you can tell she does by the amount of time she spends trying to be a badass.
She decided not to do her science fair project over the, I don't know, 5 months that we got it and cram it into one night. So she kept pointing out. "I haven't even gone to sleep tonight." "Don't mess with me, I haven't got any sleep."

So here's what happened:

Kaby walking slow.
Bitch Girl PUSHES Kaby out of the way.
Me: "Man Bitch Girl, that was rude."
Bitch Girl: "I don't even care, I've been awake since yesterday morning."
Me: "Yeah, that's no excuse."
BG: "Yeah it is."
Me: "No. It's not our fault you waited until the last minute to do your project."
BG: "You don't want to mess with me Hillary, I haven't slept."
Me: "I think I do want to mess with you."
Gracie wanted to go.
So fight was averted.

Not that I think there would have been a fight. Because Bitch Girl is always saying "You don't want to mess with me," like she'll actually do something. Which she won't, because she's a fucking jackass.

I'm sorry. I swear a lot when I'm angry.

But I got home and told my dad about it, and you know what he said?

"Man, that bitch musta had it coming for you to be mad....How much eyeliner does she wear?"
Which would be funny to you if you knew the context of the conversation, but alas.

I'm tired. I should do my homework...

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