
19 1/2

That's how many Beta hours I have. I really don't need anymore, but that's not stopping me from volunteering tomorrow. I expect I won't have to do much. A lot of sitting around. A lot more than Tuesday, that's for sure. I'm STILL sore from lifting all those boxes. And I've been having wicked headaches from the markers. But other than that, I think I'm okay.

I've been listening to really soulful music lately. Making me feel better. But I don't feel that bad when I'm not listening to it, so I don't know why I feel better listening to it. Ah, whatever. Confusing.


C.K. said...

you volunteered today? crap, i thought it was next friday.

oh, well, i'll just do it next week. i hope they have SOMETHING for me to do... stupid doctor... although i love my pump... i still need 7 hours!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

hillary said...

you need to call me about that. standi propositioned us to run a "day-care" center. i think they were paying, though. i'm not sure about volunteering. just...call me, i guess.

C.K. said...

i'll do it, paid or not. i need hours or money :-)