
flowers never bend in the rainfall

Kirstie has a boyfriend. Again. I have no idea who this person is. Again. He's going to college in the fall. It doesn't seem like we're at that age where that should be happening. I don't know.

I'm so unsure of myself for some reason. I mean, I've never been very assertive, but lately, something's just different. Maybe it's because I don't have my friends there all the time. And that thought makes me sad, because that means I can't stand alone. Man, I sure have some depressing thoughts. I would scrap this post if I didn't think it would make me feel better.

I need human interaction. Ach vach.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

so freaking call me. or call my cell if your afraid of "disturbing" my family.
you can call anytime before 9 pm and after... well after 9 i guess since that's when i get up.
and you can call my cell whenever, especially since my ringtone is kenny chesney's "summertime"

thursday, you will get your human interaction.