

We're actually going to try to sell the house. When my parents told me, I was really fine with it. They kept looking at me like they were expecting a break down, which annoyed me. I wait to break down in the privacy of my room, usually. But I didn't. I haven't. I actually have started taking down stuff in my room, hoping that I can put it back up soon, but I know I won't be able to. And I was so happy yesterday when Kirstie said she was coming over. I'd finally be able to talk to somebody about this, instead of turning to my pathetic little blog. But not. She ended up staying at her dad's. So I probably won't even get to see her. And Kelsie said not to call her until Monday, Gracie was just leaving when I called her, so, here I am. Last night, I actually thought about calling Johnny warbucks and seeing if we can hang out. I don't know if I would have asked to get high or not, honestly. I really felt like just saying, "Screw it." But I resisted the urge to call him. So there's that.

I've lived in this house for over 11 years. And yeah, I know it's just a house: but it's MY house. It's where I grew up. I don't remember living in any other place. So. Yeah. And there's more that's making me sad, and there's other stuff, but I can't go into it. I think I'm just gonna go and sleep now.

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