
buffy, the slayer of the vamPIRES

So I finished the season. Chris thinks I'm a freak because I finished it in a week, but I can live with that. It was really good. I was starting to miss Oz towards the end, but still. I loved the Trio. Well, okay, I just loved Andrew and Jonathan, but whatever. And when Willow went crazy, I laughed my head off. The musical I especially loved. And so ends the ramblings of my addiction.

Well, I'm seeing my friends today. Yay! Hmm...what else, what else? I haven't really done much else.

What and eventful summer this is turning out to be...


Simone said...

Wait, you finished ALL SEVEN SEASONS in one week? Is that even possible? Each season has 22 episodes (except the first). That's...like 150 hours of watching! Wow, you impress me with your TV watching abilities. And I thought I was bad!

How good was season 6? Musical, Spike, soooo good. How did you like the ending?

I'm so proud of you!

hillary said...

i watched most of the episodes on fastforward where I could read the captions. I'd play it when I thought it'd be important. And I LOVED season 6, but Spike annoyed me. My favorite was season 3, though.