
dart daringly dodges desertion distaster!

Joey's car stopped in the middle of the turn off of our street in the middle of the freaking road. I was scared. People were honking and cussing and just ugh. Terrifying. I honestly thought I was about to die. I was freaking out to Joey the whole way to school (eventually, a guy pulled over and helped us push it back up the street and waited till he was sure we could take off.) When the JoeMo. died, Joey of course, went psycho. It was like he was having a seizure, which I've seen him do before, sure. But I was already freaked out. And I got to school, and I think Kelsie and Gracie thought my mom had died or something, because I was running back and forth to the bathroom to freak out. I was just so scared. It took a while to get back to normal. I had to act like I was fine before I got to be fine. And PE helped. Running is good, I just don't have the lung capacity for it.

Hey, guess what. I'll be 15 in 14 days. Darn Right, shawty.

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