
50 things you didn't know about me (the horror thrives due to boredom)

  1. I care way too much what people think about me
  2. I'm jealous when my friends hang out with people other than me.
  3. I realize that that's ridiculous, but I still can't help it.
  4. My little Booger is going to be 10 on Wednesday. I am so proud.
  5. The only reason I liked Nixon in the first place was because it seemed to freak everybody out.
  6. I can't stand to look at Madonna, but sort of like her music.
  7. Joey's Daft Punk CD regularly gets stolen by me.
  8. If I had to make a soundtrack to my life, Stand by Me would be on it.
  9. I hate the idea of housework, but love cleaning the house once I get into it.
  10. I weigh about 175 and am 5'6.
  11. As far as I know, I've always been at least 50 pounds overweight.
  12. Sometimes I'm freaked out about it, but most of the time, I don't think about it.
  13. I love to run, but can't breathe, redering running for long amounts of time impossible.
  14. I need a job to pay for college/car/insurance/bullcrap, but am too shy to ask for an application.
  15. I know I'm going to fail my learner's test next week.
  16. I know I'm going to do better than Joey did driving.
  17. My mom says she quit drinking a couple of weeks ago, but I know she hasn't.
  18. This bothers me on some level, but I'm used to it.
  19. I've gotten drunk twice in my lifetime, both times with Chris and his friend Kyle.
  20. This makes me think that I'll grow up to be just like my mom.
  21. I vow not to drink again until it's legal for me to do so or until I'm peer pressured into doing it.
  22. I miss Kelsie and she's only been gone 3 days.
  23. My prescription for Zyrtec ran out a few days ago, so I'm haivng trouble breathing.
  24. I lova the ER.
  25. I lova the Gilmore Girls *though you probly already knew that*
  26. I don't expect anyone to actually read this list, seeing how it's uselessly long.
  27. I think Jeremy and Kris are hilarious, and Simone is sweet.
  28. If I post after I read their blogs, I try to be witty and smart.
  29. I love to post my feelings to the whole world, which is why I have several screen names and a myspace account.
  30. I'm jealous that for once, Gracie is getting a better grade in Geometry and Biology than I am (which is stupid, because she's like my sister, so I hate myself for it.)
  31. I think way too much about the future.
  32. Just for one day, I would love to not talk.
  33. My friends, however, think I'm moody if I don't, so I end up talking to clarify that nothing's wrong with me.
  34. I have no freaking idea what I want to be when I grow up.
  35. This is petrifying, because my parents are pressuring me to hurry it up and figure it out.
  36. I'm thinking I want to join the army, but I know I'll have to get into shape first.
  37. I read a Meg Cabot book at least once a week.
  38. I don't read as much as I used to, due to lack of time and attention span.
  39. My dad's car always smells like maple syrup.
  40. I'm always afraid that I'll be left behind wherever I am.
  41. I can't find my birth certificate or social security card.
  42. This list was going to be 100 things, but I'm getting bored.
  43. I'm perfectly fine sitting on my butt all day in silence.
  44. I can deal with reading about guns and bombs or anything, but even mention stabbing or items going through the skin *shudder* and I start freaking out.
  45. I like to make up words when I'm bored.
  46. My friends like to use the words I make up until I get tired of them and think up a different word.
  47. I copy Joey's tone of voice and speech patterns, phrases and words, and spread them around at school.
  48. All through this list I've been thinking, "luke better marry lorelai, dammit, or I'm gonna have to castrate someone."
  49. I realize how incredibly sad this is.
  50. But I'm going to go anyway and watch DVDs of Gilmore Girls for the next hour until it comes on, and I am enraptured by everything yet again.

Ha. I must really hate you to be doing all this.


Simone said...

Hey, I actually LIKE your lists.

And while you've only drank twice, you'll want to be careful with that. Alcoholism is hereditary. And you know how devastating it can be.

Jen said...

I second that!
I like reading them too! :)
I've never watched the Gilmore Girls in my whole life! Can you belive it?

hillary said...

i know about the alcohol thing. that's why i said i wasn't going to do it anymore.

and no, I absolutely do not believe that you have never watched gilmore girls in your whole life. That hurts...j/k.