
the words of the prophet are written on the subway walls

I love that song. I can listen to it all day, really.

So far, the weekend has been fantasmigorical. Except for the homework I haven't done that should take me a few hours, I have had so much fun. Whenever I get together with my friends, I have fun, but with the stressing about school when I see them (at school), it was nice to hang out with them without...let me start again, I feel like I'm making no sense whatsoever...

Friday, Kelsie practically dragged me to the football game against Dutchtown. The best part for me was half time, with the marching bands. I love synchronization, coordination, singing in unison. But we had fun the whole time, with her little baby brother mocking me all the time. I am horrible with babies, I swanny. One time, I smiled at one, and he started crying. But Adam loved me. I would bend down to his level and he'd hug me. *sniffle*. Of course, Kelsie pointed out that he probably realized I was horrible with babies, and he was trying to lower my guard so I would let him do whatever he wanted to do. But still...it was a nice moment in a fun night.

Yesterday, I just had to go to the movies. Asked Kelsie, she said no, so I asked Gracie. Gracie and I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (yes, again. It was that good.) Saw the preview for the fourth Harry Potter, and it looks AWSHOMEY. Can't wait to write about that in the blog, let me tell you.

So yeah, I had fun. I keep watching Clerks, though, so that might have something to do with it....

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