

I'm a big fan of the Monty Python boys, but that is not exactly what this post is about.

What on earth has possessed people to post links and new blogs and everything else on the comments? A new wave of spam is hitting blogs, and it is irksome indeed. I've already been hit, as have several of my other blog buddies. Why? What madness is this? It's not fair. This is my space, not yours to post your silly loaning websites or post the full on link for you blog. If we were interested in your blog, we would find a way to get to it, okay? So leave me alone, you weird, link-obsessed people. You're bugging me.


Simone said...


kris said...

I'm glad someone got out there and said it! :)

Jen said...

No kidding! It must STOP!

y-intercept said...

Google just added a code "word verification for messages" feature. From your edit blog screen, you click the "settings" tab, then the "comments" link, scroll half way down the page and click the "show word verification" radio button and save.

This will keep the programmed spammers at bay. Unfortunately there's people paid to spam guestboks and blogs. So, be generous with the little garbage link.