
silly marisol with the astericks

Ovens aren't for cooking. They're for cleaning! Oh yeah, cleaning ovens...that's about as much fun as running two miles in sweatpants* in the sun outside on a track that's got so many dips and curves you trip every other step. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I chose my Spanish name today. I could have chosen a standard name, easy to spell and pronounce, like Carmen or Teresa, or even Margarita (yes, people out there are actually named after an alcoholic party drink...or maybe the alcoholic drink was named after a person...must research this.) But I chose Marisol. Bitter sun. Oh yeah, I know what my name means. Darn right. No mamby pamby here. Como esta? Bien. None of this, "Um, aisy aisy?" And you know it. (I'm allowed not to make sense. Apparently, teenagers are unbalanced and have a lot of what we call "pent-up teenage angst.")**

Joey's finally fixing the tires on his car. About time, too. Oh, speaking of Joey, he let me borrow Silence of the Lambs the other day. I think canabilism is both disgusting and entertaining, in an, "Oh my gosh, I just ate frog legs (except they'd be human legs)," kind of way.

What'd I like to know is, who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Was it you, Senor Cookie Monster? Or was it Elmo, just trying to frame you. I knew something was wrong when he started that laughing thing on the dolls. Seriously, just because you tickle the machine, doesn't mean it will react. It has to be truly evil to laugh all by itself, though. Think about that one....

*I can't find my gym shorts from last year, and can't find anymore. Apparently, I'm out of season now that I'm asking for shorts when fall is two months away.

**Whenever a commercial mentions teenage angst, I always feel like slamming a door just because now I have an excuse.


hillary said...

yes, because i really need a loan. i've been dreaming about getting one since i was about 5, when my mommy told me that it was so hard to get a loan. i've always been up for a challenge...

C.K. said...

"**Whenever a commercial mentions teenage angst, I always feel like slamming a door just because now I have an excuse."

you know, i should do that :P
katie has preteen angst, and i giggle whenever she acts like this. and u know what she does? glares at me.

hillary said...

sounds like preteen angst to me.