

I'd love it if that term meant that I was buried beneath a swamp, but I'm not. I still have to do homework. At least I get to hang out with my friends, though. that's nice. And I'm realizing just how much I enjoy hating teachers. Mucho...fun.

Not much has happened really. I keep procrastinating with homework until the last second, and I usually have at least an hour of homework each night. But I suppose that's normal. Joey's car got us to school and back today. Died like, 4 times. scariest live in my entire life. He kept swerving on and off the road like a freaking maniac. Argh.

The good thing is, I gathered up all my courage and went another route to my classes. about the same length, but not nearly as crowded as the hallways (which are filled with what I'm convinced to be steroid using 30 year olds). Kelsie and I have been debating whether or not to go that way or not, because we were sure it'd be blocked off. But it wasn't, and now we can get to our classes while basking in sunshine. So wonderfuss, that I have decided to make brownies for everyone. That's right. Everyone. A batch for home and one for school. It will be yummers, that's for sure.

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