
"of course i knew sherman would set fire to atlanta...he's a total pryo."

Love the new blog Lincoln Thinkin' found on Jeremy's Blog. Funny, yet educational, in a weird, video game kind of way...

There's this kid that keeps coming over to our house, Christopher, maybe I've mentioned him before. Anyway, Christopher comes over every weekend. EVERY weekend. Meaning, my mom won't take us anywhere, like out to eat. She used to do this fairly frequently on the weekends. Going out to eat is (or was, I guess) the only time my family got to spend together. But now that Christopher is here every weekend, we don't spend any time together. And Christopher? He's a little punk. He's always going through my crap, and saying if I hit him, he'll sue me (they have a public defender working on an eviction battle). Chance, believe it or not, is on his side. When I pointed out to Chance that the legal fees for us getting sued would mean no "nice things" for Chance, he just said, "I'll move in with Chris at the hotel." Little shit.

Sorry, I shouldn't have written that. Yet oddly, I don't think I'm going to go back and erase it...Nope, I'm not. It's true. Nobody here likes Chris except for Chance, and only because Chance gets to boss Chris around. Of course, they try to boss me around, but I smack Chance everytime he does. I may not be able to smack twin-evil, but I can hit him. And it feels good.....Oh yes.

Savannah once slapped a girl because the girl wasn't holding her hand. I bet she gets it honest, from her uncle's sister. Dern right.

"You hate people!"
"And yet I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?"

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