
potter party

Sorry, it took me a day to recuperate from said party, which is why it has taken me so long to post about it.

Let us begin with a story. Actually, let us post A Story. Singular.

It all started in December of 2006, a month that is as cold as it's name suggests. One cold and windy afternoon, a girl, Hillary, got into the car with her older brother, who, for all intents and purposes, shall be named Joe. They drove and they drove to a magical place called Walmart. While looking around in the aisles, they got chips and dip and sodas galore (not to mention the Red Bull for Ms. Hillary). So they checked out at the 20 items or less Lane, ran by an extremely old woman who decided each item needed about 5 minutes to ring up. After reaching the car, the two protagonists realized that Alas, they had forgotten the milk! So Joe decided to drop Hillary off at her beautiful castle, promising to be back in time to take Hillary to her wonderful ball by 5:00.

Except Joe was delayed by the evil Dragonmaster. Once the Dragonmaster was defeated, it was already 5:30, and the people at the ball were getting angry at being kept waiting for their beautiful princess Hillary (oh yeah, I'm a princess. I thought you would have figured that out with the whole Castle thing, but whatever). So Joe got home and drove and drove as fast as he could to get to the ball. Little did he know, when Hillary got out of the car, her night was just beginning.

Princess Kelsie and Gracie said in unison, "Look, here comes Harry Potter. And what's that he's got with him? The Sorceror's Stone! Mr. Potter, why don't you tell us your story?" So Mr. Potter went into a 10 hour long story about not only the Stone, but the Chamber of Secrets and the Prisoner of Azkaban, not to mention the Goblet of Fire.

Now during all of this time, Hillary tried to keep as straight a face as she could. But sometimes she got hungry, so she had to step away. Or she had to excuse herself to the bathroom. Or she just got so excited in some parts that she sneezed! To themselves, when Mr. Potter was busy telling his story, the princesses decided to laugh and laugh and make sexual innuendos. It was grand!

But alas, Mr. Potter kept them up with his stories until 4 in the morning, and the princesses had to be nice and refreshed for their Exam Jam the following morning at 9! So they rushed off to bed, sleeping as much as they could, before the tiniest little elves Adam and James woke them up with their sunshiney hugs.

And so they went to the Exam Jam, studied, and had a wonderful (yet caffeine-charged) time. Then Princess Hillary was picked up by the Queen in her beautiful chariot, and she went home and had a royal bath.

Then later that night she dominated the world.

The end.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

Best. Story. EVER.