
end of the year

I've decided that this is going to be my last post of the year, because it seems like I keep writing about trivial stuff, and it's kind of annoying me, so...I'll just stop until the new year.

But first, I want people to know things.

On New Year's Eve, I light candles for those I pray for. I don't know why. It's just something I do.

This year, I'm lighting a candle for
my family, for their love.
my friends, for their goodness.
Jen, for her strength.
Simone, for her health and her baby's health.
Kris and his family, for staying away.
everyone, for having lived.

OK. I think that's it. So I hope the..(zero?) readers I have will enjoy the holidays.


Simone said...

Geez, you brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

2007 is gonna rock! For both of us.

I better get shopping on that motorcycle jacket... ;-)

Jen said...

I'm not sure if I'm your Jen, but if so, I appreciate your prayers so very much.
I hope for you a very merry Christmas with a new year full of great times and wonderful memories.

You're so wise beyond your years. (Gosh, do I sound old. I swear, I'm not!!
Ahem...I'm NOT! ;)

C.K. said...

It seems at least 2 of your zero readers will have happy holidays, and I am yet another.

I have to agree with the trival stuff... although for my blog not for yours, but posting random stuff about news stories and baking is kinda fun for me.

Here's to '07