

JW got me turned on to the band Cake. Maybe it's The Cake. Either way, I swear I've heard them before. I just can't remember when. But they're really good. I've been listening to them nonstop.

I'be got a busy little weekend planned out for me. Gotta do my homework tonight, Kirstie's coming down this weekend, and Kelsie and me are supposed to get together Sunday and work on our speech (ahem). Possible Gracie. That'll be cool.

It's funny. If Kirstie had come down the weekend before last, we would have actually been able to drive somewhere. Now...well, que sera, sera.

Speaking of which, we're supposed to be getting $6,000 for the wreck. I guess that's good, but...whatever. You know how I feel about that.

I have to memorize "Imagine" (like that's gonna be hard). And look up Madagascar-an food. Someone mentioned cockroaches in class....I wonder if that would be allowed at the fair. We could set it up like Fear Factor or something. Ha. A thought to be considered!

I'll just go do that.

I likey.

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