
with hookers and blackjack

is my most overused phrase, apparently. Or something like that. Anyway.

Okay. This week: considerably better than last week. For starters, I'm not sick. I keep having to clear my throat, but that's just phlegm, so whatever. I've had fun conversations with my friends. Just little things.

But I can't help but feel the way I feel, which is stressed. I have a whole bunch of tests I have to study for that I can't really understand. My court date's in less than two weeks. Christmas is soon and I don't have gifts for my mom, Kelsie, Kirstie, Gracy, Grambee, P. Dan, and my other friends (who I usually get little chocolates or something cheap and generic, because, um, I'm not rich). Finals are less than two weeks away, and I really need to study. There's just not enough TIME, that's all. This weekend, I'm just going to have to spend it all studying, because every night I get home and just do homework. It shouldn't be that bad, but it is for some reason.

I figured out that when I'm stressed, I sleep a lot more. I went to sleep in Public Safety and Chemistry. I got home and took an hour nap. I'm probably about to go to bed. And I probably won't wake up until 7 tomorrow morning. But that's life. So what's up with you? Post it on your blogs and/or tell me, because nobody is updating, and I need to be entertained.


crappy crappy turkey day

I was optimistic. I was feeling better (not 100%, but getting there). All my friends were good. I woke up and ate an orange. It was nice.

But the second Joey woke up, him and Chance went at it. And it just went on all day.
and on. and on. and on.

Until Joey hit Chance in the back and left a mark at Grambee's. Then Chris took Joey with him to see Judy and Kirstie instead of ME, who was supposed to go.

Then my parents started fighting.

I still don't really trust my uncle anymore.

My Papa Dan had already eaten before we got there.

My Grambee...I don't know. I was just annoyed today after everything.

So I took a walk, which was a bad decision since my hip hurts and I was feeling woozy to begin with. When I got to the lake, I had to sit down. I sat there for about an hour before I went home.

And I thought.

About what I'm thankful for. And what I wasn't thankful for.
And when I said something good, I wouldn't feel good. And when I said something bad, I'd feel bad.

So it was crap. I didn't even eat that much, since the meal was cold for some reason.

And now I feel bad because I've been posting so much lately, and I'm sure you're sick of reading about my crappy life.

But whatever.


greetings from my deathbed

All right, so it's not that bad. Yesterday I woke up and my bum was KILLING me. I swear, it hurt soooo bad. And NOTHING helped. My grandmother said to walk, but I couldn't walk. My mom said to put aspercreme on it, but I couldn't reach. It was horrid, let me tell you.

So later that day, after laying on my right side for over an hour, I got up to use the bathroom...and promptly fell on my ass because I was so dizzy. Turns out, I had a fever of 100 degrees. So I went back to my room and tried to go to sleep, but everytime I moved even slightly, my bum would start hurting. I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink. Even when I had to eat for fear I would pass out (plus, I have to eat with my medicine), I didn't know how I would keep it down. Horrible.

So this morning I woke up, expecting to die of pain. But, to my surprise...nothing. Just a slight ache. And my fever? Not gone, but down to a nice 98.1 (which is really good, considering my normal temp is 97.1). So I watched Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and House (all of which I loved). Then I went on Myspace to check out what my stoner friends were up to, and it turns out...

JW, that rapscallion, got a gig last night at the Masquerade playing with Buffalo Alice. Now, I may be wrong (I really have no idea), but the Masquerade is a full-on party spot. Lots of exposure. And Buffalo Alice is a Band On The Rise. Their bassist quit right before the show, and JW weaseled his way into the slot. I'm so proud.

Now all I gots to do is write my Christmas list, and it'll be all good.


and the hits just keep on coming.

So I've got strep.
Had it since Thursday.
I had to get a shot in my bum and it hurts like mad.
I'm officially becoming insulin-resistant and am on the watch for becoming diabetic.
My throat hurts so bad I can't call any of my friends and talk to them, and none of them are online when I am.
I can't go over and cook Thanksgiving dinner with my grandmother.
Because of that, she's decided that she would rather just go to Cracker Barrel.
I've been ordered to not leave my room until Absolutely necessary.
My paper still says its 2% plagairized.
I still have to do my science fair logbook.
And study for Spanish, World History, and Public Safety.
I'm hungry.

Geez. I wish these complaint lists would start getting shorter.
Seems like all I ever do anymore is bitch.
In case I don't see ya:
happy Thanksgiving.


pencil shavings

are annoying when they get in your bookbag and don't come out.

Just chilling out, listening to more RS, starting to get to know the words.
I can't talk because my throat is about to die.
Mom is supposed to be getting a car today, but I don't know, she said that yesterday.
I got my court date. It's ironic, because it's the day Joey turns 18. I thought so, anyway.
It turns out that the friend that's gotten to second base has suddenly turned into the Second Base Queen. Ahem.
I keep thinking of all of these movies I want to watch, now that I'm free for a week. Yeah, I have homework, but....
procrastination can be a good thing sometimes.

Me and Kelsie kicked ass on our speech yesterday. I just can't say it enough. Or, rather, type it.

HA! It's Thanksgiving break, fools!
Can't wait to get cooking.
But for now..
The internet awaits.

*In light of my inability to talk, I thought I'd quote one of the best characters in a movie who never said a word until his wonderful speech at the end, posted at the right.


reading with pickles

It's been a weird week.
One of my old best friends got a girl pregnant. They're both 16.
One of my friends died.
One of my friend's aunt died.
One of my brothers almost died.
One of my teachers told us about Vietnam and Agent Orange and showed us a video and just...
Not all's fair in love and war.
I disappointed a few people this week, I know.
One of my friends got to second base and called me like, right afterwards.
One of my friends is not a friend anymore.
I have to do a paper now.


i got your silk road right here

Ok. I kinda finished my research paper. I've done the draft, and turned it into that website so they can make sure I'm not plagairizing anything. It sucked though, because half-way through Chance came in and unplugged the computer, so I lost a page of work. But it wasn't that big of a deal. I should have read Ch12 last night, but I was just so tired. I had to make rktreats for Beta, and by then I just zonked out. But I woke up earlier since I went to bed so early, and I studied for English and Spanish (!).

Joey downloaded Regina Spektor's CD Songs. I LOVE it. Her voice is so haunting. It's great.

All right. I am officially bored with talking about school.

Sucks that I have nothing else to talk about, huh?


english research paper

One of life's greatest mysteries. I have no idea what I'm doing, now that I sat down and started working on it. I mean, I know basically what I'm supposed to do: write about Frank Sinatra and his family life. But some things are a little unclear. Like, it says the Introduction part, and what's needed, but the first thing it says for the body is, "First reference to the person." How am I supposed to write the first paragraph of a paper, thesis and all, without mentioning the person I'm writing about? Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Or, just don't understand it. AND I don't know how to fix the header to use my name and not Joey's. Or if I'm allowed to use a different website than WilsonWeb, which I can't access at home and which everybody else used.

Argh. Damn my procrastination. Damn it straight to hell.



JW got me turned on to the band Cake. Maybe it's The Cake. Either way, I swear I've heard them before. I just can't remember when. But they're really good. I've been listening to them nonstop.

I'be got a busy little weekend planned out for me. Gotta do my homework tonight, Kirstie's coming down this weekend, and Kelsie and me are supposed to get together Sunday and work on our speech (ahem). Possible Gracie. That'll be cool.

It's funny. If Kirstie had come down the weekend before last, we would have actually been able to drive somewhere. Now...well, que sera, sera.

Speaking of which, we're supposed to be getting $6,000 for the wreck. I guess that's good, but...whatever. You know how I feel about that.

I have to memorize "Imagine" (like that's gonna be hard). And look up Madagascar-an food. Someone mentioned cockroaches in class....I wonder if that would be allowed at the fair. We could set it up like Fear Factor or something. Ha. A thought to be considered!

I'll just go do that.

I likey.




Public Safety: Study for Unit Exam over bullying and sexual misconduct (resist urge to say "I've got your sexual misconduct right here." Twice is really enough).
Algebra II: Finish project. Have no clue what I'm talking about, but that's why I'm making chocolate cookies this weekend for a certain friend of mine who helped *read: gave me the answers* with the thing, so it's all good.
English II: Print Julius Caesar essay. Memorize speech. Beat the snot out of Kelsie if she does not start memorizing her part.
Chemistry I: Print out doshgone science fair forms. No witty comments for this one. That gal's a straight-up ho.
AP World History: Finish reading Chapter 8: Unification of China. Read Chapter 9: something something India. Take impossibly small notes so no one is constantly asking to borrow them and the Lost Notes/Massacre at SHS fiasco doesn't happen again.
Spanish II: Study scary Dia de los muertos words. Wear all black tomorrow. Memorize preterite verb endings.
Beta: Clear up November 11 for nursing home visit. Get marshmallows for rice krispie treats for bake sales.
OTHER: bake chocochip cookies for Steph. Renew library books before another threatening letter is stuffed into my mailbox.

Yeah. I'm sure you had fun reading about my schedule. But I figured since I check this thing everyday, I'll check it Saturday and realize that hey, I have homework.