
where are my shoes?!?

I watched Dane Cook earlier. And Gilmore Girls. And X-men. A lot of other things, too. Because I stayed home. Again. For the second day in a row. As much as I hate missing school, I did not feel good. I feel so disappointed though. The only thing I've got in my life right now is school. That's pretty much it. I haven't hung out with my friends in God knows how long. It just...sucks right now, I guess is what I'm thinking about. Because it caused me great emotional pain to wake up and realize that I was feeling crummy. I can't stand make-up work. Yeah, words straight from a geek. I'm swamped with school work (more than usual). I feel like I'm drowning underneath all of this. I'm having to go to school on a SATURDAY just because I don't get some of this. And that's if I'm lucky. And I couldn't concentrate on anything today. As much as I wanted to. No matter how many times I sat down to work on my poetry project, I'd always have to get up to blow my nose or answer the phone or something or other. So I just put it aside and watched a movie. But now I can't stop thinking about it. There's no time. AACHHHHHHH! Damn my procrastination to hell. And now I'm getting woozy, even though I've still got more thoughts, and I'm hoping that I can go back to that hellhole tomorrow, even though I still probably won't be able to concentrate. I'm so sick of this. I know the calendar says two weeks, but I swear I must be reading it wrong.

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