
lazy days

oh, i'm so tired. i keep thinking about school and starting high school, but it scares/annoys me, so try not to. but still, it creeps up in my head, and won't leave sometimes. i was watching tomb raider earlier (angelina jolie is frikkin awesome and very beautiful) and the thought just popped into my head: i am perfectly content with staying home.

i rarely get bored, as i'm sure i've mentioned. i love watching movies over and over, like i've said. i rented a movie last night and i've already watched it three times. i realized this: i never really liked school that much. sure, i like to learn and i like to hang out with my friends, so you'd think that'd be a great combination. but it's not. i can teach myself and hang out with my friends without the constant "no talking" rules they instill. and the whole dutchtown thing. i mean, school's bad enough having to sit and listen to morons try to explain something you learned two years ago. but i had to be there without any solace whatsoever? and now, all the time my mom has to take off work for this crap...it's confusing. i don't want to hurt my mom, but i don't want to be in a place i hate with people i hate because they hate me. i know the mom thing should win, but it...ugh, i don't know.

i'm thinking of what people i don't know think. it's a weird thought, that everybody out there is thinking an entirely different thought than the person next to them.


Jen said...

Highschool is WAY different than middle school.
I bet, maybe not at first, but someday you will LOVE it. Not every moment, and yes teacher will annoy the crap out of you.
You might not even realize how much you loved it until you're gone!
Be excited! Yes, it sucks being a freshman, but I swear, as you get older and you gain more knowledge of how the school works(the new teachers etc...), you'll find that the pro's outweight the con's.
Gosh, I sound old! I'm sorry!

C.K. said...

You know, I feel the same way. I get this like tight feeling in my stomach, like "what the heck are you doing? you can't be in highschool!!!" but i am... and i understand there is good things- you, gracie, and chynna are 3- but what about the bad things? what if i suck? or let down my parents or something (me) b/c i get a bad grade... to much pressure...

hillary said...

you don't sound old. you sound smart.
