
100 things you didn't know about me (preceeded by jen's list)

  1. i love brocolli, because it's what i would eat at my grandmother's house when i was little.
  2. i'm a hypocrite and a liar, and i know it.
  3. i love my friends, even the ones i haven't talked to since before school ended. (like chynna or pam).
  4. when i hate someone, they can be easily forgiven if they do something nice or make me laugh, even if they're someone like kandis.
  5. it doesn't take much for me to make me hate you, so it doesn't take much to make me forget about it.
  6. sometimes, i get so mad, i forget everything i'm thinking and just concentrate on my hands, which have begun clenching and unclenching themselves.
  7. i really can't decide who my favorite singer is, but i love listening to cassie franklin's lady margaret over and over.
  8. i only sing songs in their entirety from the soundtrack to cold mountain, because those are the only songs i can remember without having to listen to the music.
  9. 95% of the music i listen to once, the next time i can at least sing half of the song.
  10. if i read something about how bad something is, i immediately say i hate it (as a result, i haven't listened to my s club 7, avril lavigne, or ashlee simpson cds in a while, and also haven't brought myself to watch gigli)
  11. i love the movie glitter. i love any movie with good singing except for musicals....
  12. i cry in the "sad" parts of comedy movies.
  13. i haven't watched any of the movies i have in my room (about 50 or so) in over two weeks.
  14. if i don't watch a movie at least once a day, it's because i'm somewhere where a tv/vcr isn't available.
  15. i can sing and carry on a conversation at the same time.
  16. i'm scared to death of going to high school
  17. i think i signed up for too many honors classes.
  18. i'm often mistaken for a suckup, but the truth is, i have nothing better to do than homework, and i don't like not getting good grades.
  19. when i got an 89 in the fourth grade, i cried intermittenly for a week, and won't stop complaining about it.
  20. during a st. simon's island trip, i stole some spanish moss from a tree before the guide told us that there were chiggers hidden in them....i then put it in a plastic baggie (which i packed because i'm so smart.)
  21. i want to live someplace where street racing won't be a problem, because i love speed.
  22. when i get mad, i picture myself ripping everything apart and pissing everybody off.
  23. but when i get mad, i think about what i'm going to say, and most people forget why i'm mad at them when i finally confess that i am.
  24. most of the time, i'm being sarcastic mean to people that have hurt me in front of my friends or my friends.
  25. i've only been really mean on purpose a few times.
  26. really mean for me entails me thinking through what i'm going to say, knowing that it will be mean, but saying it anyway.
  27. i hate the way my body looks.
  28. if i could still eat chicken, i would be able to become a vegetarian.
  29. when i start listening to a cd, i often skip a lot of songs, leaving only about 10 minutes of use for the cd.
  30. i've only really hated a few movies...i'm probably the most lenient judge when it come to crappy movies.
  31. i cry everytime i see the end, middle, and beginning of pay it forward.
  32. i cried reading harry potter.
  33. i pretty much cry at anything that rouses any emotion.
  34. one time, me and kirstie went out into the lot and said every cuss word we knew and phrase involving a cuss word we knew.. we were out there for about 20 minutes.
  35. i've known kirstie since i was three years old, gracie since i was about 10, and kelsie when i was maybe 11.
  36. my mom used to live next door to my dad's mom's future boyfriend's daughter.
  37. i suck at any kind of sport.
  38. in second grade, i was one of the best volleyball players on my team, which was the best in the school.
  39. i never, ever participated in jump rope for heart, because i was lazy and fat.
  40. sometimes i fake that someone hit my cyst so they'll stop hitting/attacking/attempting to dunk me in the pool.
  41. i love e.r., but hate that weird dr. kovac guy and mekhi pheipher.
  42. napoleon dynamite was NOT the best movie i've ever seen...it was good, but i can't watch it more than once every three or four months, at least.
  43. before i saw n.d., i knew half of the quotes.
  44. after everyone saw n.d., i could quote the whole movie (though not entirely with the accents).
  45. i've never been in real trouble.
  46. in the third grade, i brought a book to school about rape and loaned it to a friend, who got it taken up.
  47. i was called to the principal's office, and he confiscated the book, but nothing else really happened.
  48. my best friend used to be tesla starr.
  49. apparently, i thought she was the worse person in the world, because when she started homeschool the next year, i badmouthed her to everybody.
  50. that was the year i met gracie.
  51. if she hadn't gone to homeschool, i might be the biggest snob in the world...even bigger than kayla s.
  52. i used to steal gel pens from the guy sitting next to me.
  53. i know i'm smarter than most people my age, but i'm not smarter than my friends.
  54. most people my age are complete idiots....it's not a "oh, he's just 15 thing." they're real morons.
  55. my favorite teacher of all time would have to be mrs. oliver, followed by ms. seagraves and mr. shiflett.
  56. i used to have a crush on sammy, jw, mathan, and james (at different times).
  57. the only person i've told before now is jessica ken.
  58. i'm completely jealous of tara starr because she has money and i don't.
  59. i never really liked any of the girls i had to hang out with at school.
  60. most of the guys were okay, because they were almost always funny.
  61. if they weren't funny, they were in a bad mood, and i got to go into "hillary's a very nice and protective person mode."
  62. i've only threatened to beat up my brothers and chynna (and really meant it).
  63. everytime i think of when i threatened to beat her up, i feel completely guilty about it.
  64. i get sad that i never get any phone calls or mail.
  65. i get mad at myself for getting sad over such a stupid thing.
  66. i quit basketball camp after the second day because i hurt all over, sucked, and couldn't face having to go back the next day and be humilated.
  67. everytime i had gym this year, i knew i'd have it beforehand (even at dutchtown.)
  68. i still talk to the one person who i really liked at dutchtown sometimes.
  69. i didn't like family guy until chance made me watch it.
  70. i still don't like to watch the newest episodes of it.
  71. i can't stand to watch south park, didn't watch all of team america, but love the guys behind both things.
  72. i've only seen baseketball twice, but can quote any part from it.
  73. my favorite line from any movie is from empire records: lucas:"i think everything's going to be okay, joe." joe"what makes you think that?" lucas: "who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear."
  74. i introduced my family to empire records one at a time, watching it with each and every one of them.
  75. it was all within a week of eachother.
  76. i'm scared to get my cyst taken out, because there's a slight shance they could hit the nerve around it and paralyze my left hand.
  77. i hate going to the beach, because i get all sticky and smell funny.
  78. apparently, when i was about three, i saw my uncle, sat him down, and wouldn't stop talking for over an hour.
  79. when i was little, i went with my grandparents to waffle house, ordered bacon that wasn't yucky (which i immediately sent back) and a glass filled with ice and a spoon.
  80. my grandparents didn't know what i was going to do, so they sat and watched. when i finished my meal, i started spooning out the ice and eating it.
  81. i used to hide things in my diapers (including food)
  82. one day, my mom asked me where my hot dog was, and i pulled it out of my diaper and took a bite from it.
  83. i love everyone in my family very very much.
  84. i check all of the links i have at least twice a day, sometimes more.
  85. if it weren't for kelsie, i wouldn't know of half as many books as i do now.
  86. most of the time, when she starts reading a book, i want to read it too.
  87. i stole a few of my mom's romance books...they weren't that good, but i don't know what to do with them so they're still in my room
  88. i like writing poems but i can't stand reading them.
  89. i learned to square dance at school a few years ago, and still know all the words to once of the songs.
  90. i feel really guilty about things that i've done years ago, and when i think about them, i still cringe.
  91. i also feel guilty about making you read this long list,and copying it from jen.
  92. i love the fact that jen is so happy with her adorably children, and tries to help in her own ways.
  93. i no longer have a crush on the person i was crushing on, though i wouldn't object to going out with him (because i still think he's very hot).
  94. the person i had a crush on is probably the last person anyone would see me with.
  95. i watch dvds on fastforward with the subtitles so i can know what they're saying without watching it.
  96. i love reading gone with the wind.
  97. i know the entire munchkin scene from the wizard of oz.
  98. i'm glad i'm the only girl in the family.
  99. most of my work doesn't take me long (this only took me 30 minutes) and math problems are my favorite things to sit down and work on, write after crossword puzzles then wuzzles.
  100. i miss everyone when i'm not around them for too long, and am dreading the trip to kentucky, because then i'll miss everybody i know except my grandmother.


Simone said...

wow, that was very interesting. Did you find it difficult to post this and divulging all your secrets? I'm considering doing it too but am nervous about people's reactions for some reason.

hillary said...

no, i didn't find it difficult at all. i just thought, who cares? i mean, i didn't spill my heart and sould, but i thought of things that i say and do that people just don't realize, and i put it together. looking forward to reading yours.

C.K. said...

wow, that was long, but interesting... i think i might do it too, although i don't know how long it will take me...

Jen said...

WOW! I'm so glad you did this!
It was fun, wasn't it?
I could keep going actually.
It was fun learing more about you!!

hillary said...

i feel the same way. like i could name 1000 more things about me without breaking a sweat.