

so today, out of sheer boredom, i went outside to pick blackberries. of course, i stepped on glass on my way outside. how????? i mean, hello?!? when has there ever been glass in my roo......wait, hold on. my pyrosense is tingling....oh, right. the other night i was lighting magazines on fire and putting them in a glass bowl, and the bowl shattered from the heat. hmm, weird the things you forget.

chance's old bed is now in my room. which now makes my room look like a whorehouse, with it's two beds and fluffy pillows. i've always wanted a whorehouse in my bedroom, and here i get it, all in a neat little package. thank God it's not an ugly center of escapades though. it almost was, what with the butt ugly sheets at biglots. but we went to walmart, the best store in the universe (except for macy's and target and kmart and dollar store and you know, anywhere). we were in line with our bedsheets for a freaking hour! i even got out of the line to keep from going insane, and was gone for what i thought was a long time (for a storeline to move) and when i got back, my mom had barely moved at all. who the heck shops at walmat anymore anyway? it's horrible. there's absolutely no good cds or movies. NO vhs' whatsoever. and horrible clothing selections. just ugh.

so i guess the whole point of this post is: savetoby man is a hypocrite, and if you ever bought anything ever from him, i will stap you with a watch. but i'll keep the link up there, because the guy is so funny in his being a hypocrite, kind of like a man with one of those funny glasses/nose/mustache thing. i love that mask....

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