
madness of all kinds of sorts

so i spent the night at gracie's with kelsie last night. sooo much fun. we were gonna film a real, life of mariam young movie, but we scrapped that for some reason. we also got footage of us just sitting around, talking. just, about random things. i was laughing so hard. it was great. it's weird, but they had a copy of charlie and the chocolate factory from the library, and when we were watching pirates of the caribbean, i decided to read it. wasn't that good, though. but we all stayed up until at least 3 am...i stayed up longer though. and of course, i'm the one that woke up at 7 in the morning. gracie was up for a little while, but she went back to sleep. i kept talking really loud to try and wake them up, which they didn't do until 10 frikkin 30. argh.

but my mom got off work, picked me up, took me to quicktrip to get one of my favorite fountain drinks IN THE WORLD. we were gonna go to media play to get the harry potter book, but joey had already gotten it. and since i was slated first to read it, i locked myself in my room (i think it was about 1:00). i took some breaks, but not for long. i just finished reading it a couple of minutes ago. and it was.....sooooo.....frikkin.....SWEET!. just, oh, the ending is so shocking. loved it.

cant wait to see charlie and the choc. factory tomorrow. i'm nervous about going to south carolina (where we're going now, since the kentucky plan fell through.) i can't wait to get back, already. that's kinda sad, isn't it? oh well. i'll live.


C.K. said...

omg, you are soooo lucky! i just ran into kroger today and got it, and because of a frikken schedule, have to wait a few hours for katie and maggie to read it.
but i'm smart. i took the last shift, from 8 to 10pm, but i'll be reading it past then if i'm not already done... muahahahaha!

hillary said...

i doubt you'll be able to read it in 2 hours. it took me like, 6-8 hrs. but, good luck.