
i made a big whoopsie

So I don't think it's a good idea to post a lot about what happened Saturday, just that I hit another car. I totalled our car doing it. Which means no more family car. No more driving for me. My parents have to drive a car that uses twice as much gas. Insurance will go through the roof.

When I hit that woman, I thought she was dead. She has a headache.
Now she's claiming whiplash.
I hope she's just doing that to get money. I really don't want to be the cause of somebody's medical problems. That's just too much.

But it's my own fault, I guess.

I have to go to juvenile court next month.
I don't know if they'll take my license away.
We'll see.

Now I feel all listless, not wanting to do any work and wondering why I was so stupid, thinking about it over and over. I start to laugh and think, "I shouldn't be laughing." Then I cry and think, "I should be glad I'm alive."

It's weird.
But you know how overemotional I get. I'll probably get over this within a week. Hopefully.

Oh, before all of this happened, I saw Thank You For Smoking. Loved it. Hilarious.

Okay. Guess that's all.


Simone said...

Wow. I'm not sure what to say except wow. Glad you're ok. But, wow. Sorry. How bad is the damage? Like, can never use the car again damage? Or, we can fix it eventually damage?

hillary said...

Can never use the car again damage.